Magical Resolutions

Ready to Craft The 2024 You Dream Of...

Without "Failing" by January 2nd?

Did Making Resolutions & Setting Goals Last Year Leave You Feeling Defeated From the Start?


That's because you didn't make them magical!

Let's change this so you can make 2024 different from the start!

New Year's resolutions can seem like frivolous wishes with little chance of success. 


It's only because you're doing it wrong.

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You wake up January 1st and realize there are still leftovers from the night before... so nope, can't start today!
  • January 2nd rolls by only to feel disappointed in yourself for "giving up".
  • Or you don't even bother making resolutions because they are just pointless.
Enchantment 1

What If I Told You There Was An Easy Way To Fix This


Magical Resolutions

Magical Resolutions

Let's begin the new year with a fresh start where you can actually begin making those so called frivolous dreams an actual reality, but not just in the year, instead, every single day!

"Let the magic of your dreams bloom."

Enchantment 2

Why I'm Offering This:

  • You deserve to achieve your dreams.
  • When you have a system to craft your goals you not only can achieve them, but you also realize how far you come year after year.
  • I love how much it impacts my students when they are able to infuse some magic into their goals and realize what they can achieve is actually limitless.
Through crafting Magical Resolutions you'll no longer look back at your goals at the end of your year with guilt over all the things you didn't achieve. Instead, you'll look back and see how many amazing goals you achieved in ways that were deeper than you dreamed of.


There's an amazing amount of raw electric energy that's around for you to tap into on New Year's.


Let this year be the beginning of a new way for you to truly honor yourself for not just where you want to be, but where you already currently are!

Here's What's Inside:

  • Bite Sized Video Lessons With Captions That Can Be Watched In Less Than An Hour
  • BONUS Magical Resolutions Companion Workbook Filled With Personal Exploratory Prompts, Templates, 2024 Inspiration, and Planning Action Sheets.
  • BONUS 2024 Moon Calendar
  • BONUS Affirmation Cards & Mini Video Lesson
  • BONUS Vision Board Template
Magical Resolutions web

"Anytime is a perfect time to manifest a new you."


What You Will Learn:

  • How to make resolutions that you can actually achieve.
  • How you can tap into worldwide energy to ignite your dreams to a new level.
  • Why most resolutions fail and how to avoid following the same path.
  • How to tap deeply into finding the beauty in your life.
  • Learn how to end your year on a beautiful note.
  • The key steps to taking resolutions from dreams to reality

What Students Are Saying...


HP Sniffing Flowers

Do you have any questions about my courses? Reach out to me!

Hi! I'm Heather Plant

I've spent most of my life on a journey learning how to bring more magic, less stress, and manifest my dreams into a reality. Each year I would struggle on New Year's as I had so many dreams I wanted to achieve... in my personal life, for my health, and in my business. But each year there would be some new reason I would fail and only feel defeated, and my life felt like a mess.

Then I had a realization I needed to combine my magical side with my dreams, and I finally created a system that brought me even more than I ever desired, year after year. I put together this course to provide you with an amazing process to begin infusing magic into making your own goals and dreams a reality. 


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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life