Are you aligning with your roots this Fall?

Fall is such a perfect name for this season on so many levels. As the leaves are falling from the trees above, the energy of the plant world falls with it down to the Earth. As the energy in the plants wane it goes down deep into the Earth going back to where it originated from. It forms an endless cycle of death and rebirth.

When the energy returns to the Earth this is when we harvest the roots for medicine. The leaves are no longer filled with the wonderful spirit and medicine of the plant as you can see by the color change and future loss of existence.

If you pay attention you can feel this energy begin to wane weeks, if not months, before you can physically see it with your eyes. The vibrancy disappears and the glow of the plant is no longer. In the physical world after we have some cold nights we can visually see the transition. The medicine no longer resides in the whole plant, but rather now in the roots alone. This is why it’s best to harvest the roots in the Fall ideally as the energy freely resides within them at this time.

Fall leaves along a river, a time of aligning with your roots

How Do You Align With Your Roots?

Did you know however that your own roots contain most of your energy at this time as well?

You see, as we enter Fall we begin to shed what doesn’t serve us either at this time. As we enter from Fall to Winter our lives shift from the very outward expansive time of Summer, into a very intimate closed in time of Winter. Our days grow shorter as the Sun wanes, and we spend so much more time indoors as the temperatures drop and the snow falls (depending on where you live).

Our own energy goes inside physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Our days turn from picnics, beach days, outdoor adventure filled days, to more time inside reading, cooking, and snuggling. This is a time when our minds begin to day dream as more internal mental thinking occurs as we begin to contemplate our past year and our future year. Less physical activity and less energy from the sun has our energy wane back to the Earth contemplating our own connection to Her. This is a good thing, and a needed thing. As we too need time to rest and go within.

Does the lack of sunlight bother you and fill you with times of grayness that replicates your exterior physical world? The lack of sun can be so hard on most of us mentally as the sun that stimulates us is no longer a constant presence. I dare you though to try and look at the cycle of nature and what’s going on in the world around you (not the news world but the real world… the physical land that surrounds wherever you live and work.

Observe the trees, ground, animals, and plants you pass by when you go for a drive. Pay attention to the subtle changes that occur every day. Those same changes are happening inside you as well, as you too are from the Earth and connected.

We are all connected. Know that the sun energy is still there even if it’s a little weaker, and know that this is only a transition. Look at your inner roots and know this is your resting period. This is a time to take note of your life, to rest more with our longer days, to dream up new ideas and adventures you want to pursue.

Taking the time to rest more with the season sustains you throughout the year. Fight the gray skies and gloomy days by surrounding yourself with warmth and bright colors. Bringing bright colors like yellow and orange into your home brings the warmth of the sun closer to us.

Fall is a time to eat lots of nourishing soups and stews containing foods filled with warmth and color. Bright colored food contains energy of the sun and it’s important to take whatever sun energy you can within to help make it easier to make it through the winter. All the wonderful Fall colors of pumpkins, apples, and squash surround us with that light force adding a protective layer to our spiritual hearts to have the strength inside to ward of they grays.

Many blessings of sun energy to you this season!

~ Heather Plant- curator of Magical Plants~

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