3 Easy Ways To Cleanse The Energetic Body With Herbs

We all live in this soup of the Earth with our energies comingling, so it’s not hard to see we are all being impacted as a human race in one way or another. When so many in the world are feeling intense negative emotions it can be difficult to not take it on and have it impact our own lives emotionally and physically. So it’s very important to cleanse ourselves as often as we can right now to not take on any extra energy. 

When you feel intense emotions, or someone else in your home feels them, that energy lingers and over time can make you sick. Now that we are spending so much more time indoors it’s important to clean out that yucky energy. 

Ways to cleanse your home and energetic body:

Burning herbs (Smudging)- This is an old practice that is used to cleanse the spaces we live in and our own bodies of any energy that doesn’t serve us well. Herbs that have a lot of aroma tend to have volatile oils that are often antimicrobial. The act of bringing heat to the plants and/or burning them allows those oils to be released into the air essentially purifying it. The oils not only do this physically to the space in the room, but also to the spaces that surround you. Try to imagine the atoms that surround your body.

The volatile oils get in between the spaces that surround those atoms and clean them out. Those spaces are also what encompass your energetic body (also called your aura, or Wei Qi in Chinese Medicine) acting as a protective barrier like a bubble that surrounds your body. It is believed that in order to get sick, something must first make it through your energy body. So the stronger you make your protective barrier, the stronger your immune system can be. 

Great herbs to burn for this purpose are Sage (Garden Sage or farm raised White Sage as White Sage is severely over harvested), Cedar, Lavender, and Mugwort

Herbal Simmer-
If burning herbs isn’t your thing or if you have sensitive lungs already, instead of releasing the aromatic properties with fire you can release them with water and heat. Simply add the herbs (almost any culinary herbs will work) to a pot of boiling water and let them simmer on the stove for as long as you desire. Not only do you release the volatile oils into the air, but you add moisture as well, which is great for your lungs.

Our lungs love to be warm and moist, and especially seeing the virus going around being known for drying out our lungs, we really want to keep them as moist as we can right now. Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender, and Citrus peels (any kind) are my favorite go to herbs to use. White Pine needles are great to add to the pot if you don’t have a lot of spices around. Just toss a handful in the pot of whatever herbs you have. Dried herbs work best as they release more of the oils easily, but fresh can be used especially if you give them a good chopping up before tossing them in. Let them simmer uncovered so they release into the air. 

Salt Rinse-
Salt is another great cleansing option as it cleanses all that it touches. When you shower you can rub your body down with a little sea salt to cleanse away any energy left behind that you do not need. As you rinse off know that it will all be washed away down the drain and let that energy go. 

You can also make an herbal salt rinse by combining any aromatic herbs with salt. You simply start with a small layer of sea salt on the bottom of a jar, then add about a 1/4 inch layer of herbs. You then repeat the layers ending with a layer of salt on top. Let the layers sit for a good month for the salt to extract the scent of the plant material. When you are ready to use the salt you can either strain out the herbs through a large hole strainer, or just use the salt with the herbs mixed in and collect them from the drain after your shower. The picture to the right is of one I made last year with Lilac. Oh I cannot wait to make more with that divine scent!

I try to do at least one of those three daily, if not all three. Give it a try and see what you like best.

Want to learn more about energetic cleansing? You can check out Moon Magic Club where we will be going over this in a lot more detail and other practices for cleansing.

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