The Crone Owl

The Crone Owl

The owl is such a fierce symbol of the darkness. It makes sense why the wise old owl represents the dark time, the dark moon, the crone. Owl brings a sense of mystery, a hidden depth that can feel scary. Many negative attachments have been put on this magnificent creature of the night. Often we fear the darkness in itself as it’s full of what we cannot see. Many approach owl with this fear and hesitation and call her an animal of doom. Of death itself. We need to remember though that after the darkness the light rises high.

Don’t be so rushed though to judge this wise creature of the woods. She is a container of all the knowings of the trees. The history of our ancestors. She watches all and cautiously makes her move when the timing is right.

The image of death that many pass upon her is not the end or be all form many fear it to be. Death is solely transformation as it always is, but in this case not the literal sense. Transformation is change. Something many fear in itself. It is something needed, and good though. As humans we don’t want to be stagnant in our minds. We need to grow and learn throughout life. Without that we remain as young children unable to see beyond our immediate desires. Stagnation brings pain whether it’s physical or emotional. When things are stuck nothing can flow. Change can be scary yes, but it is a good thing.

Living on the edges is where healing and knowledge occurs. If we don’t embrace our edges and take a leap to explore how shall we ever grow? Owls live on these edges. They perch in the trees taking in the happenings of life seeing where they are needed, and fly by to acknowledge the changes we have finally made in our lives. Whenever I have been confronted by an owl it was immediately after taking a huge leap in one of my edges. Something that I feared, or something that was holding me back that I finally ripped the blankets out from under. She would make her presence widely known and stare deep into my soul as if saying it’s about time you listened to your wisdom. Owl reminds me I’m on my right path and honoring my spirit the best I can. She is the grandmother that sweeps in to give you a big hug congratulating you on the change you made stepping into an edge.

We could all use some owl wisdom in the world right now. It’s a scary thing having to face change and the world itself is really scary right now. The suffering we endure when we hold ourselves back though can hurt so much more. And maybe, just maybe, if we all open our minds just a feather more, we can all bring the needed change that is needed for humanity to endure.

So ask yourself what edges do you need to tap into in your life right now?

What part of you feels stuck?

Where is the stagnation in your life? Your body?

Is there anything that you can let grandmother owl help your release?

Call upon her when you need her and know trees will relay your message.

Many dark moon owl blessings!

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