Ways To Celebrate Imbolc & Winter’s End

In ancient times people were often very connected to the land around them and observed the beauty of nature that surrounded them. They didn’t follow the nowadays Gregorian calendar that we do in modern society.

They followed the natural calendar of nature.

Observed the climate around them.

Watched the animals change their behaviors.

Noticing the messages the birds brought to them.

They had a connection to the Earth that made them aware of the natural shifts of the world in their area. Winter was often so harsh with it’s frigid winds, numerous precipitation freezes, and a struggle to stave off hunger as all that could be eaten was whatever was stored away.

Imbolc, an ancient Celtic holiday celebrated on February 1st, was a celebration of hope and beginnings, as the harshness of winter was recognized as being soon to depart. In the northern hemisphere this time brings great change, although it may seem completely in disguise unless you begin to look for it. Without fail, every year at this time the animals behavior begins to change as they aware with their ancient rooted senses that the change has begun. From the human observation standpoint it’s like clockwork.

About a week before Imbolc Gaia very slowly begins to reawaken from Her deep thaw. It’s as if the embers in Her belly get a burst of oxygen to relight the smoldering flame. This warmth, and passion that is always brought with fire, begins to travel up through the layers of soil like a red snake slithering it’s way to the surface. The animals above sense this energy warming the ground below them and I imagine can see a red ray of warmth cascading above the snow covered ground like the sun rise on a crisp morning day.

The birds begin to return, humming their delightful tunes from their long rested voices. The squirrels begin to rummage about waking skunks and beavers about. Coyote at night on the last full moon of winter bellows to it’s friends a howl of good morning, as the arrival of Spring has come.

Without most of humanity even knowing, there is an eruption of energy moving about as the ancient mother Herself awakens again. Very soon, even through the snow covered Earth, snowdrops will send forth the first flowers to emerge, a very fitting name they possess.

Through all this newness, and arousal from a deep slumber, sadly, most humanity will miss the show, as most will not acknowledge the change to spring for almost two more months time. This lack of knowing about the awakening of warmth all around can often lead many into a deep state of sadness; the grays of the real winters end. This is in part ironically as the Earth is warming, so to does the last big shows of winter occur as it fights it’s way to say goodbye again for another year. So often you still see the bliggest winter shows in it’s final days.

If you focus however on the newness that is coming, and the solar energy shining it’s way to your heart more and more every day, some of the grays begin to melt away, just as Old Man Winter loses his yearly battle that is for him doomed to fail.

How To Tap Into The Energy Of Imbolc:

There are simple ways we can use the energy of this season to bring joy back into our hearts and set the tone for our year ahead. As we have been slumbering ourselves through winter ideas have begun to stir into our heads of what we want our upcoming year to bring. Remember those New Year’s resolutions you may or may not have made? This is the time to put energy into those resolutions to make them come to fruition.

Below are a few ways to tap into this energy to make it work for you.

Setting magical seeds

This is a great way to infuse your desires into the Earth to make them become manifest. At this time of year farmers abound are beginning to plant seeds for future nourishment. We can tap into this abundant energy with the beautiful life force of seeds that carry with them the potential for newness, fertility, and vitality. Seeds are the ultimate carrier of life. Life cannot exist without them and the abundance that exists in those little capsules of future life is endless as their cycle is constant. For this exercise all you need is a few seeds of any type. I prefer seeds that have been freshly harvested within the past year and ones that are organic so you do not pollute your desires or the Earth Herself. Seeds of all types can be found in numerous places this time of year. Check out my resources page if you need some sources to purchase seeds.


  • A few seeds of any kind (doesn’t matter the type, but easy to grow herbs like basil are great to use)A small container to plant into (any size or type will do)
  • A small container to plant into (any size or type will do)
  • A small amount of soil (enough to fill your container)
  • Some water for watering the seeds

To begin, sit down with your supplies in a comfortable place you can relax in for a few minutes.

Put a few seeds into the palm of your hand and close your hand around them into a fist.

Close your eyes and take in a few slow deep breaths in and out letting your mind wonder away, at least a little from the busyness of life.

Now allow whatever thoughts of desire that have been stirring inside you over the past few months come to the surface of your mind. Do this without force or worry. Just gently think about the thoughts that have been percolating. Your hopes, your wants, your dreams, your future desires for the upcoming year. Allow them to rise up into your awareness. In your mind see a red warmth around your heart. Know this warmth is your passions. Your hopes. Your dreams. Now while holding the seeds imagine that red warmth traveling into the hand holding the seeds gently and slowly like a warm silk scarf flowing it’s way down. See that warmth traveling down into your hand and wrap its way around the seeds filling them with a gentle blessing of warmth from your heart.

Open your eyes.

Now take your container and fill it almost to the top with soil and sprinkle your seeds on top. Lightly cover the seeds with soil and give them a drink of water. Put this pot in a space that gets a good amount of sunlight in an area that isn’t too cold.

Over the next month (depending on the type of seeds) the seeds may germinate into a plant that you can harvest from and consume it’s nourishment as you please. The seeds may also not germinate depending on their vitality (not your intentions). If they don’t, that is completely fine. Know that your seeds were still fertilized by you and planted into the Earth, and eventually She will automatically change them into compost and your desires will still be consumed. If this happens just spread the soil somewhere in your yard adding fertility back to the Earth.

Observing The World Around You

Now that Imbolc is here and the Earth is warming up again take a few minutes every week to notice the shifts happening around wherever you live.

When we stop to take note what is happening around us it grounds us and recenters us as we become more connected to the natural seasons that surround us. This in turn brings a much greater sense of calm and resilience to the stressors life throws at us.

So take a few moments out of your busy week and just notice. Look outside a window and just make note of what you see. What animals do you see if any? What does the sky look like? How much later is the sun lighting your day? How do you feel? How crisp is the air?

Imbolc Tea

With the energy of Imbolc representing the flame of the Earth pushing outward, it also represents the passion of fire. It’s no surprise Valentine’s Day is right around the corner… a day all about passion. I love to make my daily tea influenced by the season around me to connect with the natural rhythm of life and deepen health and vitality. So here is a tea recipe for tapping into your inner passion and vitality that is bursting forth in not just Gaia, but you as well. If you need to purchase herbs I linked my favorite supplier below or visit my resources page for other great high quality options.

Add the above herbs to a tea cup and fill it up to the top with some water that just came to a boil. Cover the cup with a small plate (or some other cover) and let it sit for 20 minutes and strain. Sweetener can be added if desired.

Have a blessed Imbolc and may your passions fuel the rest of your year!

~ Heather Plant

This page may contain affiliate links and I may receive a nominal fee for purchases made therein which goes toward my time and effort providing you with as much free knowledge as I can. I only provide resources to high quality herbs I use myself, for my family, or clients.

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