Holding Trauma in the Ovaries

Being a female at this time is not easy, but was it ever truly easy?

I may be just one woman on this planet but oh do I feel the change that has been brewing.

Our past hurts, our traumas, our pain that women have been feeling for generations have been stuffed down deep inside our beings. We have been bruised, we have been tossed around like rag dolls with nothing to do but stuff that hurt oh so deep. Deep down into the layers of rhythm that flow through our womanly organs.

A new dawn has arrived as the full moon lays down to rest though and our hurts gurgle and bubble to be released. It’s time to reclaim our wholeness once more and let our rhythms breathe free. 

The Problem With Stuffing Down Emotions & Pain

So why not stuff the pain, the fear, and the hate so deep?

We need to still survive right?

Still go to work, still take care of the babies, still live a life and hold down the home as we are the one board that holds it all together right? But we are more than a board. We are a life, a soul, a body. We are a human being and we still need to be nourished. We are a presence that needs sustenance to thrive and truly live.

When we push down those fears, those worries, the hate, the tension, we are asking our uterus to contain all that we cannot handle. For a later time. For a tomorrow. For a future day, year, or lifetime. But… those ovaries get tired of containing. 

The Job Of The Ovaries

The main job of the ovaries is to create life; whether another human life or an inspiration for your own life. Every month a pulse of energy is burst forth into being with the sole purpose of creating something new. However, very often we stuff down our stress and trauma deep into our body which blocks our ovaries from doing what they want and are designed to do.

Ovaries are the great containers of giving and pushing forth and can only hold in for so long. They are the windows of the soul, a collection of wisdom, and your creative potential. Ovaries can be seen as eyes to help a woman see in the dark as they are organs for receiving deep, intuitive messages from your deepest depths. 

If you fill your container with what does not serve you best your ovaries will eventually call to you. Like a breath rising up from deep inside, a voice, a pulse, a rattle will twitch. A time may come when they will demand that they cannot hold another speck or fragment of negativity; a vibration too much.


What are your ovaries telling you?

They are the inner you of every woman whether you physically possess them or not, they are there. They feel your pains and you have them contain those pains when you cannot bear to yourself.

Our ovaries do require though a little love, a little touch, and a deep listening in return for all that they do and are put through. Spend some time just listening. Simply ask yourself what are they speaking to you. It’s okay to let them be free a little. Just a little touch. Let that energy that no longer serves you bleed out from you every month. It doesn’t matter if you truly bleed as its energy and it still moves when you ask it to. Your ovaries will love you even more when you let them just breathe and flow. 

Ovary Congestion & Pelvic Stagnation

Women are prone to pelvic stagnation and congestion in the pelvis area as well as the ovaries which can lead to a variety of different problems and symptoms if not dealt with. Our bodies are filled with life force giving blood and when things aren’t moving properly blood can stagnate like a shallow tidal pool left too far from the ocean’s tide. When blood stagnates we often feel pain as things can no longer move smoothly and feely like they once did. This is often the cause of menstrual cramps, irregular cycles, and endometriosis.

However, not only can blood stagnate, but our emotions can as well.

We want our bodies to flow freely like a strong ocean tide that can reach all the way to the edge of the shore and sometimes beyond. It’s important to let your emotions flow freely as well. Now is the time to reclaim your inner self. We are no longer alone; we flow together, bleed together, and our tides ebb and flow. Let this be a nudge for you to stop holding, stop tightening, and just flow, as you’re ovaries and whole womb will thank you for it.  

How To Reduce Stagnation & Congestion In The Pelvis & Ovaries

There are many practices you can do to help your ovaries breathe a little more allowing them to freely function how they are designed to. All of the following practices help reduce overall pelvic stagnation and you can do these as often as you find time:

🌺Castor oil packs- castor oil packs are amazing at helping move things along and work well to break up and loosen pelvic stagnation.

🌺 Pelvic massage- gentle massage over the reproductive area using oils infused with herbs are a lovely way to get things moving. Even better is when you add in calming and Qi moving herbs such as ginger, rose, lavender, and mugwort.

🌺Soak in a warm bath as is or one filled with herbs

🌺Journaling- get your thoughts out onto paper rather than hold them in. Release whatever you’re keeping inside.

🌺Meditation is wonderful by itself helping to soothe and calm the mind but in this case it’s even better when you have an intent when you meditate to connect with your reproductive system


🌺Deep breathing exercises

🌺Commit to a creative project that you enjoy to get your creative juices stirring

🌺Movement (daily as much as you can and nice and gentle is all you need)

🌺Consume seaweeds like kelp and dulse (they are very mineral rich and supportive of Qi movement)

🌺Consume a diet following the seasons as closely as you can and as free of hormones and pesticides as you can

🌺Eat bitter greens/take bitters tinctures before meals to get your digestive juices flowing and energy to move downward. (If pregnant excessive bitterness and tinctures can be contraindicated so an herbalist should be consulted).

🌺Burn cleansing herbs like Sage, Mugwort, Cedar, or Palo Santo. 

🌺Salt scrubs are nice to rub on the skin to clear away negativity

Pick and choose whatever resonates with you and try to incorporate one or two into your routine to help keep your reproductive system healthy and moving.

Enjoy and many womb blessings to you!  

* The above is a version of an article I originally had published in a local zine called Serpenzine a few years back. I’m reposting this now to support my recent posts on Endometriosis and Reproductive Wellness. Feel free to contact me if you are in need of any support.

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