What You Are Not Supposed to Talk About & How The New Moon Can Help

Blessed New Moon!

New Moon

Tomorrow is the Aries New Moon and with that I wanted to share a bit about something we’re not supposed to talk about… how we feel.

The Aries New Moon can bring up a lot of intense emotions, especially negative ones as Aries is often considered the planet of anger, darkness, rage, and is full of intensity. With that said, you may have been noticing some more inner rage or intense negative emotions within yourself this past week and a half since the sun entered Aries on the Spring Equinox. If so, know you’re not alone, and it’s very normal. 

Aries can bring up deep things we need to work on, or process and release. It’s a fire sign so it’s filled with passion and intensity. With the world so raw right now that intensity can feel magnified and very uncomfortable. And sadly… we’re often taught that negative feelings aren’t meant to be felt and so that magnifies the uncomfortable even more and can make you feel like there is something wrong with you.

That can be further from the truth. 

We are supposed to feel all emotions and sometimes those negative emotions are just part of how we heal and process things. 

I want to share with you a story of what happened to me recently.

So as you most likely know, I just launched my first really big course on stress & anxiety. It was a long journey to create it and it pretty much consumed my life for the past 6 months. I could barely do anything in my regular life beyond work on creating this course as there was a constant pulling from the universe to get this done and get it done now after putting it off for years. 

I knew once it was finished I would have a lot to process mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, because remember, the rest of my life was put on hold for so long. I also knew the process of promoting it would make me feel really uncomfortable as I tend to be an introvert with anything that comes to selling my business and putting myself out there in the world. I knew I would need down time to process it all. 

Well after I released the course I started to have a lot of negative emotions pop up. Doubt, self worth, sadness, grief, and anger. I went through a few days as if I was grieving a huge loss of someone that didn’t exist. That then turned into some time of deep anger coming up. 

Friends around me tried to comfort me, my spouse offered many kind words to try to cheer me up. 

But that’s not what I needed. 

I just wanted to feel and embrace all of the negative emotions that were coming up because I needed to. 

I was grieving, mourning, and feeling betrayed all at the same time because my body and mind were processing. 

So often society tries to cheer us up (which is great, don’t get me wrong). But when we don’t take a few days when we need to to just feel, we ultimately are repressing what we actually need. We are not meant to feel joy, love, and bliss every moment of the day. We are humans living in a very complex world and we’re meant to feel every emotion. 

Sometimes we just need to cry, or scream at the top of our lungs. And living in the world we’re living in we damn well deserve every right to do so as our minds and hearts need us to express not just the pleasant emotions, but the really uncomfortable ones as well. 

We shouldn’t have to run to the bathroom to hide our tears from others, or swallow them down in order to help others feel better about us not feeling well. 

When we ignore how we feel we’re hiding and suppressing what our heart is wanting. I spent a good part of my life doing just that and it only led to feeling numb and full of anxiety for way too many years and was the ultimate force that began the beginning of years of panic attacks as those emotions had no choice to bubble up like a volcano. You can only store so many emotions within you. 

I now know the deep importance of letting what needs to come up, to come up, even if it feels horrible in the meantime. 

I’m thankful to say, I’m over my grieving process, well mostly, and beginning to see the deeper meanings and medicine that has come up. I’m still going to be gentle with myself over the next few weeks as I slowly come back to life as the flowers slowly bloom again. 

Listening to what your heart needs and wants is the truest medicine you can give to yourself.

Aries New Moon Practice

Fire releasing

So with today being the dark moon, it’s a great time to reflect on what’s coming up for you. It’s also a great time to let go of what might be ready to be let go of in your life. The Aries New Moon brings out your bolder side within you and asks you to stop dealing with whatever isn’t working for you, and let it be burned away, just like the fire sign that Aries is. 

In The Calming Toolkit we use this powerful new moon as part of our medicine to begin a new journey, as the new moon is all about new beginnings. So I’ll share a version of one last powerful practice from the course if you’re not currently in it. 

Think about what is stirring up within you. What you’ve had enough of, what you don’t have enough of, what medicine you need in your life. Think about whatever it is whether you want to let go of it, or something you need. Then write it down putting your inner heart’s voice into words on paper. After you write it down, give those wishes of release or desires to a flame. Let this fiery moon take what you need and transform it. It sounds so simple but the universe works in simple ways. 

I wish you an amazing New Moon and many blessings throughout this new cycle of growth for us all!

I would love to hear from you. What’s coming up for you at this time? Do you know what you need to release? Maybe you struggle figuring out how to release it. 

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