How Do You Work With Water Essences?

In last weeks blog post I shared with you about the benefits of water essences and how amazing they are at supporting emotions.

This week I want to share with you how you actually use water essences and some of my favorites to use this time of year for “spring cleaning” the mind.

So How Do You Work With Water Essences?

body of water near trees covered with fog
Photo by KoolShooters on

You can work with them in many ways. Typically essences are used by the drop and you only take 3-4 drops at a time added to a little water or straight on the tongue.

You can work with one essence by itself or use a whole blended formula, especially when focusing on making shifts to long held emotional challenges.

To work with water essences yourself (without getting into all the lengthy details on making them at the moment) you can buy flower essences in many natural health food stores as well as online. Bach Remedies makes a line of 38 flower remedies sold worldwide that are easily accessible and support many different issues. There are many other varieties of plants and essences out there however and there’s quite a few online retailers that sell their own lines of varying essences as well, including some other herbalists.

I actually just started offering personal Water Essence Consultations. I used to only offer essence formulas to clients when they had a full Herbal Wellness Intake. In order to provide my clients with the best care possible with the time we spend together I created them as a separate offering. This also makes it possible for those seeking a mini consultation to work solely on handling emotions. You can learn more about them at the end of this post.

A Note About the Meanings of Water Essences

pink water lily floating on water
Photo by Alisa Tsvetova on

When it comes to knowing what different essences can be used for it requires a connection with the plant itself. There are certain plants that have been used heavily for many generations and they can have a deep long lived connection with humans and a passed down knowledge for what and how they can be used.

There’s also plants that haven’t been used so readily that also have a knowledge that can be tapped into. Plants have such a deep interconnected communication system between each other and other species around them, and its something science is just learning to be aware of by researching mycelium connections in the world of fungi.

The communication that occurs is also something that humans are fully capable of learning as well, and it’s how most early knowledge of plant medicine was developed. When it comes to essences I personally use the knowledge I received from my own connection to the plants and what they have shown me they should be used for. It’s something that can seem impossible in general, or even out of reach for many people, but it’s something that can be easily done by everyone. It’s not just something I am capable of because I’m a Plant 😉

There are also many books on the subject where people have compared their connections to plants and created a general consensus as to what meaning correlates to many different flowers through years of experience. Below the meanings I share with you however are the meanings I received solely from the plants themselves as I always use my personal meaning as the intent for their medicine in how they want to be used in essence form.

Water Essences for Internal Spring Cleaning

After a long winter it can be hard to get motivated or some apprehension or stuck energy can arise. We consume a lot throughout the winter from extra heavy foods to also processing a lot of heavy emotions through the deep reflection that winter often brings. There are so many amazing essences for the spring helping to support with clearing stagnation from the winter and getting the body and mind moving forward again, while also adding some joy to the heart. Three of my favorites are Snowdrops, Crocus, and Daffodil essences.


Snowdrop flowers

I love using the flower essence of Snowdrop during this time to tap into a good cleaning of what we no longer need from what the winter left us with. The flower essence of Snowdrop helps us tap into that energy of lightning our load so we are a little freer and can stand a little more upright in our lives.

When I first connected with Snowdrop I actual saw a table covered in dust with a pile of books stacked up and saw the table being dusted and tidied up ? I can still remember that visual clear as day today and think of Snowdrop when that dusting is needed in our mental space.

We often carry such large loads of projects and tasks and burdens in life. All those loads clutter your mind and can weigh you down. Before you know it the things that really bring you pleasure and purpose in life can be covered with cob webs from not having the space to practice them. Snowdrop helps lesson your burdens and regain your true focus while also giving you a burst of itself to help you lighten your load. It’s the epitome of an internal spring cleaning of the mind.


Crocus flowers

Crocus is an essence for allowing yourself to move forward with the energy of spring. Sometimes we get stuck and don’t want to move forward and would rather sleep all day and slumber like it’s still winter hibernation. Sometimes that rest is essential, and sometimes its just because we’ve become to lax in one way or another and need a bit of a push.

I think about plants that are still underground and dormant and what that means when it applies to Crocus essence. In order for them to grow they need to burst forth through the soil and it’s not always an easy task as hesitation can arise. Crocus helps you stand up tall and burst forth with a big out breath. It helps you have the ability to push out and come alive in spring, just like the blooms of Crocus burst open themselves.

It helps with the change aspect that can be so difficult at any time in life as change is scary and sometimes you might not know how to change. Crocus helps give you the ability to push out into the world and open and allow the newness to happen. It allows the doors that you have been struggling to open to be opened so you can walk through into your new journey of growth.


Daffodil flowers

Daffodil essence is one I use a lot for clients any time of year, especially when some joy needs to be brought into their life in one way or another.

Daffodil is all about warmth and compassion. It gives you a gentle hug warming your spiritual heart. It helps to fill you with joy and is amazing for any moments of doom and gloom. It’s an essence I use often in winter for those that have moments of seasonal depression. It also has become one used often any time of year with the new world we are living in that is filled with so much sadness and grief.

Daffodil also helps soothe the heart, especially when it’s broken and filled with sadness in general.

Spending Time With Ephemerals

Spending some time with the early flowers can do the same thing if you don’t have access to the essence. Their energy of newness is all around and a simple walk to visit them helps open the heart and lets you release a little bit of the to do list energy that you don’t need, helping to lighten your load and warm your heart. Remember, it’s the energy of the plant being used in water essences so just sitting next to a plant can have a similar impact. Taking the essences often for a period of time helps increase the impact and help you work through the emotional and mental aspects on a deeper level.

If you’re interested in a personal water essence consultation feel free to check out my new offering below!

I wish you a blissful Spring ahead and I hope you are able to enjoy the early moments of many new flowers that bloom in the days ahead!

New Water Essence Consultation Offering!

A water essence consultation lasts up to 30 minutes and is done virtually during video conferencing or phone. You will receive an intake form to fill out before our session together. During the session we will briefly go over what mental or emotional issues you are currently struggling with that you would like support on. Maybe you have a big project coming up and need help with focusing, or maybe you have been struggling with an issue for awhile like fear or an unfavorable emotional state for example. Water essences are wonderful formulas to help shift emotions while also help the body process things in a gentle manner.

After our session a custom blended essence formula will be crafted for you that can either be picked up (if you live locally) or mailed to you (within the US).

Each session includes:

  • 30 minute consultation
  • (1) custom blended .5 oz essence bottle to be used daily that will last 3-4 weeks
  • free shipping (in US)

Learn More or Book a Consultation here. Also make sure to sign up for our newsletters here to get future updates on plant and self love support as well as future offerings.

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