Water Essences; Plant Medicine to Help Emotions of Life Feel More Bearable

Today, I want to share with you my favorite tool for helping make life feel more bearable while also clearing mental and emotional stagnation, and that is with using water essences (often known as flower essences)! There are so many different forms of plant medicine, and water essences are by far, one of my absolute favorites.

What are Water Essences?

Flower essences

Water essences are a form of energy medicine made solely with water and whatever form of Earth medicine you want to capture within it. They are often referred to as flower essences as they are most often known as capturing the energy of a flower in water.

I work with the medicine of the element of water a lot so throughout the years I have created my own version of working with essences and sometimes include more than just flowers and plant material when making them. Sometimes instead of plants I make water essences from stones or crystals, pollens, mystical waters, potent astrological moments, or seasonal sabbat alignments, just to name a few.

Water essences are very potent forms of plant medicine and work amazingly well when it comes to clearing out emotions, while also making them easier to deal with. One of the parts I love the most about water essences is the aspect that they contain no medicinal action within them seeing they are solely the energy of a plant (or whatever is being used) and therefore they can be used by anyone, no matter what medications they may be on or health issues they may have.

Often clients I work with that have a lot of struggles emotionally may also be on potent pharmaceuticals. This can require some herbs to not be aligned to their protocol as the pharmaceuticals can be too harsh to work with some helpful plants. This is my favorite time to work heavily with water essences as they can step in and help them deeply through the struggles they need support in in a very safe and highly effective way.

Don’t disregard them though just because they are safe and gentle and think their gentleness means they’re ineffective. I can honestly say the shifts I have personally felt and seen in others to be ones potentially unachievable with other forms of medicine.

A Recent Adventure With Water Essences

Here’s a mini story for you from one of my many experiences with them. So as I’m sure you know I launched my first really big online course on stress and anxiety last month. In order to do so I needed to really put myself out into the world in a way I’ve never done before, and honestly, in a way I never thought I could.

You see, I’m a total introvert at times, especially when it comes to putting myself out there when it comes to “selling” an offering. I’d rather run and hide under the blankets than show a picture of myself to the world. I knew I needed some deep support and courage to get through the process and be able to do so without feeling full of fear or apprehension.

So I made up a formula for myself as I often do of some amazing essences for that exact purpose. I added a dash of courage, a touch of focus, and a pinch of fearless so to speak 😉

I can honestly say I never would have made it through that first launch as an introvert without the help of the flower essences I used. [I even put a few pictures of myself… and a video of myself… out into the world haha] Was it still scary, yes, but so much more manageable than it was before I adjusted my usual formula for the purpose I needed. Ironically, I go into pretty good detail about what essences are in the course and you learn to use them as a tool for supporting stress and anxiety 😉

What Do Water Essences Do?

flower water essence in bottle

Water essences help make your day to day life less daunting and harsh in whatever way that is for you as an individual depending on the essence used.

They essentially help shift emotions in a more comfortable direction for you while also allowing your mind to gently process the transitions of life in a softer way than the harshness the outside world often can toss at you. They are great to work with during times of life transitions or whenever things just feel intense. Essences also help you process through stuck emotions that often get stuck in repetitive loops.

Some common things certain flower essences can help support include:

  • Feeling fear, panic, and excess worries
  • Lacking courage and internal strength to get through something or life in general
  • Feeling sadness, gloom, and despair
  • Releasing anger
  • Grief and emotional pain in the heart
  • Excess mind chatter, distractibility, lack of focus
  • Lack of drive to do something
  • Needing to release stuck emotions, pain (of all kinds) and traumas
  • Helping to shift your perception to see a situation from a different broader perspective
  • Clearing clutter in the mind and body

That’s just a fraction of what flower essences can help support. They are such a simplistic form of medicine in a physical sense, but they are oh so very life changing and such an important gift from the plant world to help us humans handle life be handled in a more gentler way.

Check out this follow up post to learn some favorite essences for this time of year, in addition to how you can work with essences yourself!

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