For Women; A Dark Moon Ritual to Remember Your Power When the World Disregards You

It seems the world turned a darker shade over the past few days. And yes, today is actually the dark moon so there’s that… but it’s sadly much more than that with the rights of many being stripped away.

You might be feeling a little lost, sad, angry, hopeless, and resentful. Maybe even powerless as if you're facing this demon that is grander than you can handle.

woman facing the world

I just want you to know that I’m here with you behind the scenes feeling all the feels with you. And you know what… it’s good to feel those things.

When something shocking happens it stirs up so many emotions within the body and mind. We’re often told when we don’t feel only positive emotions there is something “wrong” with us. But that can’t be farther from the truth.

As women, we have been told we’re hysterical for far too long. It’s actually where the term hysterectomy comes from, as it was believed a woman's bleeding was a reason for their insanity. I could go on with that concept and really bring up some of my own inner anger with that way of thinking but that’s a whole other topic and not what I want to focus on today.

For today, I just want you to know it’s okay to feel all that you are feeling, whether you are scared, enraged, and feel like your country just slapped another label on you… this time one from an old wound… one that says you are worthless and you don't matter.

Know that you need to take time to feel what you feel and allow your body, mind, and spirit the time that it needs to process the blow and allow the wound that has been created time to heal.

Also know that YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS and YES, YOU REALLY DO MATTER. You are not the insignificant part of humanity that our society is trying to trick you into thinking.

You see, as a woman, you have a power so deep that even the earthquakes upon speaking of it. You are so directly connected to the Earth and the Moon, and all of the cycles within and beyond this planet. Women bleed in cycles (averaging 28 days) just as the Moon cycles (every 29.5 days). You are naturally aligned with the unseen cosmic forces at play that rule the world. You have a deep connection to the Earth as well as Her many cycles.

Your womb (whether you still have one or not) connects you, feeds you, and contains your power that aligns you with the power of the beautiful magical world that surrounds you. That is ultimately why we’re often called “hysterical”, “sensitive”, or “emotional”. You’re damn right you are those at times, and that’s actually you’re power.

The biggest and most important thing that I want you to remember, is that YOU are Powerful!

A lot of the reason (if not all of the reason) that this is going on in the US right now is because of power and the desire to belittle that part of you. It’s not you’re fault you are powerful, nor is it something to be ashamed of as it's what makes us so damn amazing.

Our power gives us the gifts of foresight, especially as we bleed. It also gives us the ability to raise children if we choose, while also running a business, managing the finances, and take care of the cleaning and food prep all in the same day. We morph into these superwomen versions of humanity because of our power. Not because we're meant to, especially as its something society tells us we need to, and we take it to past the point of burnout in the process. Your power gives you the ability to possess so many gifts in the world and sadly that can make others resentful.



A patriarchal society often contains a part of humanity that fears Your amazing power that cannot ever be felt or possessed by them. Fear causes man to do things and most often it results in trying to strip away the power of those they fear. They have done it for eons and for women especially. We have been burned at the stake, and subjected to so many horrific acts of violence, name calling, judgements, and limiting beliefs.

But remember, no matter what they try and take away as far as your choices, they can NEVER, EVER, take away YOUR POWER.

Your power is always and will always be there. You might feel it’s lessened over the past few days. Know you are just processing and grieving and dealing with the emotions that you need to deal with. Your power though is still there. If you need a reminder just place your hand on the area of your womb and breathe in deeply to that space. That space is your magic, it’s your gifts, it’s your vitality and raw power. It’s always yours no matter what others may try.

Tonight is the dark moon. It’s a time magically used to work one’s own magick. To connect within the deepest parts of oneself. So tonight, or any of the nights this week, allow yourself to have a moment to process, a moment to breathe, and a moment to connect with the power within you. Below is a simple ritual you can do to help connect with the inner parts of yourself and align your power.

Dark Moon Womb Breathing

Dark moon woman

It’s nice to bring in the element of light when the world that surrounds you feels dark. Just as I mentioned in my Solstice post how fireflies can bring in light to show you the way, a lit candle does the same. So if you have any on hand, pick one out that you would like to use for this simple practice as a reminder of the light you need right now, as well as a reminder of the light that resides within you and brings you your power.

After you light your candle, take a few slow deep breaths in and out.

Now place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly/womb area. Spend a few moments (as long as you like) just breathing into the space where your belly is. With each breath in, allow your mind to gently relax a little and allow a little tension to release on the out breath.

With your hands placed on your heart and womb, you are connecting the energy that naturally moves within your body from your womb space to your heart. Those two areas of your body are ultimately the two areas where all decisions are made that directly align with you. Your heart is where your true desires live and your womb space is where your energy lies. I like to think of the womb as a big wooden bowl that is full of all the stars of the universe. This is because, within your womb space, you can tap into the energy of all of the universe.

While breathing see what comes up for you. Maybe your heart will let you know where you need some support right now. Maybe your womb will show you a reminder of the magic that you possess. Ultimately, just let it be a moment to connect those two parts of you to bring in a little gentle healing energy where you probably need some right now.

Now this type of breathing is very calming and can be done at any time to help support reducing stress and physical presentations of stress within the body and mind.

I wish you many blessings of peace, strength, and justice in the days and months ahead!

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