What Your Fall Wardrobe is Teaching You About Stress

Happy Fall Equinox

The fall equinox is also referred to as a celebration of harvest in the Wheel of the Year. It’s a time of such abundant sweetness, and it’s one of my favorite times of the year… ok, I think I literally say this with every seasonal day now… but they all have such specific medicine within them that really changes the way you look at life the more you connect with them. 

Leaves in fall

When it comes to the equinox, there is so much medicine to be found with this time of year, but the part I really want to focus on is balance. On the day of the equinox, just like on the spring equinox, there is equal day and equal night. The sun is out for an equal amount of time as it is dark. That brings with it a time of balance that we only get to experience twice a year. This unique moment creates a shift for us that we can use to our advantage and reflect on where and how we need balance in our own lives. 

You can easily feel the shift of this balance in the fall when you get dressed in the morning. The mornings start off cold and you can leave the house with a sweater and jacket on. Then a few hours later you’re probably sweating and ripping off the bundle you put on. And again, a few hours later, the clothing begins to quickly go back on again.

Fall wardrobe

It can make you feel a little stir crazy keeping up with the physical sensations of hot to cold, but you somehow learn automatically, to find the right balance. It doesn’t take long for you to learn the importance of dressing in layers, especially if you live in New England and the colder climates, am I right?

You know that if you leave your house wearing only a heavy sweater and nothing underneath, you might get really hot and uncomfortable if you cant take it off. Just like if you leave in shorts this time of year, you might be searching for a blanket or anything to cover up a little more to stay warm. 

So you get the importance finding balance brings and work on it automatically. 

The part you probably don’t work on, or at least struggle to work on, is finding balance in your day to day life. 

Most people tend to struggle with balance as our society loves to teach us you are always supposed to be doing more

Constantly working and being “productive.” 

When you follow that rhythm however, you push yourself too much to the doing and high paced rhythm side. Time for oneself, pleasure, and the ability to process life and rest becomes very limited and you then can feel uncomfortable quickly. Just like the sweater without a t-shirt underneath.

So this time of year is a great time to take a moment to see where you put all of your energy and see if you can just make some tiny little shifts to bring in a little balance.


Some Ways You Can Practice Bringing In More Balance:

 Sleep a few minutes longer… maybe by going to bed a little earlier

 Take a little extra time to do something you enjoy

 Dance in the final rains before it gets cold

 Go for a short walk to observe the leaves changing

 Bake something fun with your kids… or pets

Only small shifts are needed. Nothing drastic. Just add a few moments doing something you need or something that brings you joy to help bring a little balance to the hustle of life

See what you can commit to yourself to help begin a shift and tap into the energy of balance this time of year provides. And don’t worry, the sun will be close to equal day and night for the very near future so feel free to ponder the little shifts you can bring for the rest of the month. 

I recently started offering weekly stress tip videos on Instagram called Less Stress Thursday’s. I made a mini video version of this need for balance early this morning during a beautiful thunderstorm. You can check it out here

I’d love to hear from you. Do you struggle with finding a way to keep balance in your life?

I hope you have an amazing fall season ahead!


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