How to Create Resolutions that Actually Work

Have you made New Year’s resolutions in the past only to have them fail within the first month, or maybe even the first day. You’re not alone. On average 80% of people that make resolutions fail within the first month according to a recent survey done from Stastisa. I said that right. 80% 

So obviously you’re not alone, and most people really struggle to successfully get those resolutions to come to true. The sad thing is, those little resolutions, are people’s hopes and dreams, something like I’m sure you as well really want to have happen for you. 

So today I’m sharing with you how you can actually make resolutions that work and you can succeed with. This is a follow up from another blog post on resolutions and looking at them in a different way.

Step 1. Reflect

Don’t just jump into coming up with a wish for the new year. First, allow yourself some time to stop and reflect how your previous year went. Now this is really important and it’s a step often neglected by many. We’re so busy going through our day to day life that we often forget how many amazing things we have achieved and places we have visited or new things we learned. There’s a big problem in this because when you race through life without taking a moment now and then to really remind yourself what you’ve accomplished, you don’t always get to truly experience the growth that those moments in your life brought you. 

Here’s an example, when you Go on vacation to a place that you love, say some beautiful beach with clear and warm waters, and you have this amazing time traveling to explore new areas and have all these brand new experiences and adventures. You can feel so at peace, happy, and in love with the moment and it brings you new stimulating raw vital energy that fuels you in that moment and you can feel like you’re ready to take on the world again right after having some time away to yourself and possibly with ones you care about. So you’re all excited and its time to go home, you probably dread the thought but you are probably also excited about sleeping in your own bed again, I know I always am after a vacation. 

On the way home you’re most likely still pumped with excitement and maybe have all these new ideas of things you want to do, but then you get home, have to unpack, and go back to work the next day. By the following week it can Feel like the vacation never happened because you’re back feeling with your regular stressors in your life and this great experience seems like  long distance fleeting memory that Fades quickly

Now at the end of the year if you take time to remember the amazing things you did that year it can bring you back to that place where you remember your amazing new adventure and the feelings of how you felt while you were there. It’s like stepping back to that moment and your awareness can come back, along with those new ideas and inspiration that you had at the time which can bring in an incredible amount of growth, awareness and learning that you otherwise may have left as a distant memory. 

Dreaming of making resolutions that work and you can achieve

Step 2. Let go

Now often there are parts of our year that didn’t go so amazingly well. Maybe we struggled with something or got sick or some unpleasant emotions surfaced while we were dealing with something. That’s normal, we’re human, and we can’t be living a blissful life 100% of the time every day.

Both the happy and the unpleasant moments teach us something and help us evolve hopefully into better versions of who we want to be. The experiences though that don’t feel so great, can leave behind uncomfortable emotions and feelings that we no longer need to hold onto.

This is also a normal process of being human, as we all go through this. Especially in recent years, by the end of the year we can be carrying with us a lot of crap that doesn’t make us feel our best. So at the end of the year, it’s really important to try to let go of some of that so you can be free and ready to bring in new experiences that you enjoy. 

There are many ways that this can be done. Journaling is a great way to do this to get the thoughts out of the mind and onto paper. I personally turn this concept of letting go into part of a ritual that I do every single year and I feel dirty without doing it. It’s kind of like not showering for days or wearing the same clothes for a bit too long [laughing uncomfortable]. Our experiences can do that to our energetic body similarly to how our physical body can feel when we don’t employ proper hygiene to the rest of ourselves. 

Step 3. Dream

Dreaming is a huge part of creating resolutions as it allows your mind space which is something we rarely allow it to have in this busy world. What do I mean? We often race from one thing to the next and live off of lengthy to do lists that never end. This rarely gives us time to just let the mind wonder and dream. In fact, it’s a concept heavily discouraged in our society.

If we don’t allow ourselves to day dream, how else do we give ourselves the space to explore new possibilities of what it is we would like to achieve and become. Resolutions are great, but try to take time first to let yourself ponder what it is you really want and what it is you really need. This can be done at anytime so don’t feel like it has to be rushed and done by New year’s day. In fact, this is an important thing to allow yourself the space to do as often as you can. 

As you day dream, new thoughts, ideas, values, concepts will begin popping up and you will have truly begun creating things that you want to bring into your world as resolutions that have deep meaning behind them. Just saying I want to get healthy as a resolution for example, is very different than feeling why you want to get healthy and seeing an image in your mind of what exactly that means to you. 

Step 4. Goal plan

Once you have your resolution or resolutions, think about how realistic it is for you, how long it will take you to achieve, and most importantly, how you can achieve it. What are the steps needed? This is really essential as it takes your resolution from being a wish into a reality. 

Take some moments to break your wishes down to see what you need to do to achieve that dream and put it into action. 

Need help?

If you would like further help crafting your resolutions into dreams of reality, you can check out my course Magical Resolutions where I show you my exact method for doing this, as well as a beautiful New Year, New You ritual for letting go of what you don’t need and setting the stage for an amazing new beginning.

Also if you want a free moon calendar for planning your year ahead, here’s a link for that as well. If you enjoyed this video I would so appreciate you giving it a like and sharing it with anyone you feel may benefit from it, and also make sure to subscribe so you can access my future offerings. Have a wonderful year ahead!

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