Something to Remember When Your New Year’s Resolutions Fail

I don’t know about you, but I made my New Year’s resolutions, crafted a vision for 2023, and was ready for a clean slate with a plan to accomplish a lot in the new year in a way that nourishes me fully, but then I thought I my resolutions failed.

I always loved this time of year with the new energy that it brings that helps motivate and really inspire me. But then.

Life happened.

My husband woke up Christmas morning with shearing pain from a badly pinched nerve. A trip to the ER at 4am and over 3 weeks later and he’s still out of work as we tend to his muscles in his neck that are slowly healing. 

I was all ready to begin 2023 with so much motivation, but then overnight, the new year decided it wasn’t quite ready for those plans. 

And you know what. It’s OK. 

There are always curve balls that life throws at us, but it’s how we react to those curve balls that determines how we grow from them, or if we’re doomed to repeat them.

On my way to start off the New Year with a powerful fresh start, I forgot my own medicine, and for a moment I thought I failed with my own goals.

You see, I’m great at helping other people with their wellness challenges and spirituality growth, but I’m often my own worst client. I admit it. I don’t always take my own advice, I don’t always listen to my own intuition, and I don’t always follow the natural rhythms of the Earth. Why? Well that’s too many therapy sessions for one email but the short of it, I’m human (plus there’s a touch of rebel in there as well that doesn’t always like to do what I know I should). 

I launched a new course called Magical Resolutions this past month sharing my own techniques on how I make resolutions that work, as it’s a practice I have developed over the years that has really changed how and what I achieve in ways that have been life changing. Well through creating the course I got a dose of my own medicine (admittedly I always do when I create offerings). Well during my rush to get going with my goals and bringing all these new things in, I forgot the most important part.

New Year's resolutions require winter dreaming
Photo by Simon Berger on

We’re still in winter!

I mean yes, of course, with the sight of snow on the ground out my window I didn’t forget, but creating the course put part of my brain ahead of what the true time of year it really is. Winter.

So what’s the importance of winter?

Well, winter is a time of rest, it’s a time to allow our minds and body’s space to really unwind and reflect. During this time of year we get to really visit where we have been and begin dreaming where we want to go.

This year I was reminded of this more than any other year as my life was halted for the first few weeks busy helping my husband function with daily tasks. Most of my energy reserves were focused on doing extra. Extra medicine making, extra cleaning, extra cooking, extra phone calls and appointments. Adding on my new goals wasn’t something that was currently doable in the way I originally planned. But then, I remembered, just as if the universe slapped me on the back of my head with an awakening, I remembered I’m not done dreaming yet.

There’s still time to envision what I want this year to be like (and yes, It’s something I talked all about in Magical Resolutions about what winter is about and how important it is to allow yourself time to reflect and dream). But like I said, sometimes I ignore what I know, until I can’t get away with it anymore and I get slapped on the head 🙂

So if you’re feeling like your resolutions or goals for 2023 haven’t stuck yet, or as if you somehow “failed” already. Know that you’re probably not done dreaming either yet as winter isn’t over. Take it slow. There’s no rush. In fact, winter is about the opposite of rushing.

Enjoy the small moments of winter dreaming that is left!

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