Fall Equinox; It’s Magic for Balance Within

As the leaves begin their graceful descent, and the air carries the hint of autumn’s approach, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of the fall harvest festival, known as the Fall Equinox. 

Within each season lies medicine for you given freely to help you. During the fall equinox, the medicine for you revolves around a heaping spoonful of balance plus a dash of enchantment. Let’s explore more about this celestial event and discover how it offers you an opportunity to harmonize your life as we celebrate this wonderful fall harvest festival.

Fall equinox time of leaves with warm drink

Understanding the Fall Equinox:

The Fall Equinox, commonly known as the first day of Fall, marks the transition from summer to autumn. This is a period when day and night find perfect equilibrium, thus, potent medicine to share . This celestial event happens every year between September 21-24th and it underscores the importance of balance, a theme deeply embedded in the natural world and our own inner landscapes.

Two leaves representing the Fall Equinox

Your Healing Medicine of Balance Into the Fall Equinox:

When it comes to celebrating the natural rhythms of nature by observing the celestial calendar, it’s a great time to celebrate your own natural rhythms that align with the meaning of that season. Hence, on the Fall Equinox, as the days have shortened to a time of equal sunlight and equal night, the core meaning is on balance. Balance within, and balance all around.

This transition to balance happens naturally in the cosmic world and there is nothing we can do to stop it. It’s Earth’s natural rhythm. Just like a part of the natural rhythm of balance is calling out within you as well. So as nature prepares for its winter slumber, as a result, we too can harness this cosmic energy for personal growth. 

Representation of light and dark for balance during the Fall Equinox

The Fall Equinox Teaches You to:

  • Pause, reflect, and realign your life
  • Look at where you may need more balance within
  • It’s a time to acknowledge your accomplishments
  • Express gratitude for life’s gifts
  • Set intentions for your upcoming months
  • Focus on self care, making you more of a priority

Self Care During the Fall Equinox

With the changing season, self-care becomes a vital aspect of our daily routine. This is the perfect moment to engage in acts of self-nurturing. Dedicate time to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Whether it’s a serene walk among the golden foliage, an evening of introspective journaling, or even further nourishing, a warm herbal bath infused with soothing lavender.

Self-care becomes a sacred ritual during this time. The world begins to slow a little more as the energy of nature becomes a little more still. The plants are beginning to wane are there energy moves back to the Earth. Did you know, the same is happening within you?

Soon, winter will be at your doorstep when all of the Earth stands still with the silence it brings. For now, it’s the transition point as you reach towards that silence more and more with each step. Ask yourself,

“What do I need right now?”

“What can I do a little less of right now?”

“What form of self care would feel good for me right now?”

As the leaves change colors and shed, think about what you are ready to shed as well.

In the dance of the seasons, the Fall Equinox stands as a pivotal moment—a symbol of balance woven with the wisdom of ages. As we immerse ourselves in the magic of this season, may we rediscover equilibrium within ourselves, nurture our well-being, and dance in harmony with the ever-turning wheel of the year.

Wishing you a harmonious and joyful Fall Equinox!

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