Thinning Of The Veil & How to Make An Ancestor Altar

Did you know there is so much more to Halloween than just candy and costumes? It’s possibly the most magic(k)al day of the year, but that magic(k) goes far beyond just goblins and ghosts. Have you heard of the phrase thinning of the veil? Let’s talk for a moment about why you need to know this important time of year, and here’s a hint, it has a lot to do with your own personal healing.

The Thinning of the Veil

A black veil as a representation of thinning of the veil

In many Earth based traditions Halloween is known as Samhain (pronounced sow-in, with the ow like cow). It’s a time where the veil between our world and other worlds is thinner. Wait, what you might be asking. Yes, there is so much more to our world than what our everyday vision can see. It is believed in many traditions that those who have passed on still reside among us. However, at certain times of the year, communication between the other world and the world of the living is easier, due to the thinning of the veil.

The thinning of the veil referres to an unseen veil that seperates the two worlds, like a barrier that keeps the worlds seperate. I like to picture the veil as a black sheer curtain, instead of one of those dark filtering solid curtains that keep every speck of light out. Through the curtain being sheer you can still see parts of the world around you but yet there’s still a boundary that separates you from seeing everything. You’re left to see clearly what you need to.

Samhain’s Connection With The Veil

The thinning of the veil happens every year during certain times of year, but around Samhain is when it’s most recognized. It’s something that actually happens throughout the month of October and beyond into November. On Samhain however is when the peak time exists for the thinning of the veil is strongest during that time. It’s actually where we have the concept of modern name costumes in shapes of ghosts and monsters and why so much spooky and mysterious magic seems to roam our planet on the infamous Halloween night.

Have you ever thought of a memory of a loved one that’s no longer hear? Maybe out of nowhere smelled a familiar perfume they used to wear? Maybe you thought you saw something out of the corner of your eye but then nothing was there. Yes, there was most likely a chance you were receiving a wonderful hello from an ancestor of past, and it’s more common to happen at a time when the veil is thin.

Now let’s explore what this means and how you can incorporate this concept into your personal world and dive into the importance of this thinning of the veil.

The Importance of the Thinning of the Veil: Honoring Ancestors

Within this veil lies your connection to those that have passed; your ancestors; whether blood or spirit. It’s a time for honoring ancestors- where you have come from, and those that you may have lost and loved; both known and unknown. It’s a time of year where many traditions in general are known for honoring ancestors that have passed on. The Day of the Dead is a similar tradition that falls on the day after Halloween, on November 1st.

This time of year acts as an important time for healing work within you as it connects you back to your earlier self, your personal ancestor spirit. All of our ancestors whether the first initial drum beat of the Earth herself to a recent passed loved one of this time is included during this time of honoring ancestors. This time of year is a space to honor all of those ancestors that have passed, as they should be honored.

We all live in a connected web commingling and intertwining. The past lies within us all and brings forth the knowledge that lies deep within that makes us who we are. Samhain is a time to honor that past; where you came from; who you came from on this journey called life.

What is Your Ancestor Spirit?

Sometimes there can be people in your past that have passed on that you dearly miss and would love to share another moment with. There are also times where people have passed that haven’t left you with the best memories and you might not want to honor them. Both scenarios are okay and perfectly normal and accepted. For some it can be difficult to honor your past. I for one, always felt a bit of a disconnect at this time of year. It wasn’t until I realized your ancestor spirit is an even deeper hidden meaning and it’s a thing to celebrate for your own healing at this time of year. Check out my course Beginners Guide to Living a Magical Life if you want to learn more about bringing magic into your daily life.

Honoring ancestors by making an ancestor altar with image of old photographs

Your ancestor spirit is the part of you that connects you to the deepest parts of your soul. It’s what links you back through all of the generations of your lineage. It brings you back all the way back to that first beginning drum beat within the Earth. For some the thought of taking time for honoring ancestors digs up too many emotions and memories. Again, that is okay. You don’t need to go there.

I personally prefer to focus on my own ancestor spirit that links me back to my earliest roots of existence. I honor that ancestor spirit as that is where every part of me formed from. Every piece of knowledge any of my ancestors have ever learned, any experiences they ever had gone through, to each wonderful taste of sweet luscious food that nourished their being, that right there is within me, as well as within you. That is your ancestor spirit and it’s something you carry with you always. Even if you don’t currently remember those memories and knowledge, it’s still there, waiting for you for whenever you need or want it.

Making an Ancestor Altar

So How Do You Go About Honoring Ancestors?

One of the easiest and also a traditional way is by creating an ancestor altar.

Are you familar with altars?

An altar is a place you make to hold space for something in your life and there are many different types. An ancestor altar for example is a place that holds space solely for honoring ancestors. Now an altar can be anything that feels right for you. It can be a table, a night stand, an outside bench, or a shelf in the corner of a room. Whatever space feels comfortable to you is what matters.

To make your ancestor altar, select certain objects that resonate with you that you then place on your ancestor altar. Each object acts like a gift, a blessing that you are giving as gratitude for whether you’re honorings ancestors that are known or simply your own ancestor spirit.

Things That Work Well On Your Ancestor Altar

Honoring ancestors during the thinning of the veil by making an ancestor altar with a small cauldron and flowers.
  • Candles
  • Dishes
  • Flowers
  • Photographs of those who have passed (can be family or nonfamily)
  • Favorite objects of your loved ones
  • Items given as small tokens to honor ancient ones
  • Traditional foods your ancestors loved

The items themselves are not important, it’s all about what you have a connection to. You can place those items on the altar as a reminder of the amazing memories, gifts, or medicine you have received from your ancestors. Pictures often work really well as we tend to immediately connect with someone in picture form. However, they don’t always have to be pictures of loved ones.

Each year I create an ancestor altar with my kids and we put up pictures of not just family that has passed on, but also important people within our lives that year. One year we printed out a picture of RBG. Another year we put up an image of Chadwick Boseman. He’s the actor in Black Pather and my kids were devastated he passed. From doing this you allow your own ancestor spirit to grow stronger and to heal the painful wounds that lie within. This is because you’re allowing yourself a moment of space to grieve, remember, honor, and heal.

Other Ways You Can Honor Your Ancestors

Ancestor altar to honor ancestors on Samhain during thinning of the veil with pumpkins and candles and a cow head.
  • You can light a candle in honor of your past, or loved ones.
  • Maybe speak a blessing of thanks, or speak a fond memory.
  • You can also write a message to scatter to the winds to carry what you need to say.
  • A favorite family meal can be made to remember a time you enjoyed together.

It can be as simple or as complex as you desire. If you want to learn more about Samhain check out 7 Ways to Celebrate Samhain & Deepen Your Spirituality.

Just remember to do what feels right for you and you are then already doing it perfectly!

~ Heather Plant- curator of Magical Plants~

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