Are You Setting Intentions For 2024 For Magic?

Setting intetions for the New Year denoted by a woman blowing sprinkle in her hand

Are you setting intentions for 2024? Do you wish to infuse more magic into your world in the New Year? Did you set goals or make resolutions to do so?

What about intentions? Are you setting intentions for the New Year in any way?

I highly recommend you do if you haven’t already, so let’s get you to understand why it’s so important to set intentions. Plus, I have a free handly intention setting worksheet for you as well!

First off, if you don’t know anything about me yet, you need to know I’m HUGE on goal setting. Yes, I’m one of the “crazy” ones who goes all out on New Year’s making wishes and dreams for the New Year. So much so I even created a course all about my process because there once was a time when I didn’t set intentions. Now that I do, I give the simple act of intention setting all the credit for all the amazing things I have accomplished since, as I know there is no way in the world this bonkers Gemini whose mind can get distracted by a leaf floating by would be able to stay on track and achieve anything otherwise. 😉

Why Setting Intentions For 2024 Is Important?

The magic of setting intentions for 2024 with a silver box releasing sparkling potential.

That’s easy. It’s because at the core of everything you could ever want or desire is the need to take the very first step which is to begin your journey. Without beginning, the journey cannot ever go anywhere, as there is never a beginning. As that initial first step, you’re not required or expected to go from being a couch potato to running a marathon on the same day. Or go from not understanding the moon cycles to making decisions that work in your favor based upon whether it’s a full or dark moon immediately upon being interested in learning about them.

No, the first step in every journey is simple, all you have to do is say yes.

However, within that same moment of saying yes, when your setting intentions for your new year, or new journey, you amplify not only how well the journey will go for you, but also…

  • How fast you can complete the goal/journey
  • How easy the process will be for you
  • The likelihood you will soar on your journey, rather than flop
  • Plus, the value of the experience and how much you get out of it magnifies

Intention setting is a combination of beginning your journey while also setting yourself up for success.

Intention Setting Ritual

When it comes to setting intentions and beginning a new magical journey, there are many ways to do so. If you want to explore intention setting more you can check out my course Magical Resolutions where I go into this with a more elaborate step by step process, but some additional rituals and goal setting magic. However, one of my favorite practices is a very simple intention setting ritual that I do every single year and it acts as a constant source of amplification of my desires throughout the year.

What is this process I love so much?

It involves choosing a word for your year.

Intention Setting Ritual Step By Step:

Step 1: Dream

Think about what you want your year to be like. Ask yourself what intentions you have that you want to bring in for 2024.

Step 2: Choose a word

Choose a word that best sums up what it is you do want. Pick a word to represent your new journey, new year, or new goal or objective you are aiming for.

It can be just one word or it can be six. The number doesn’t matter, as long as those word(s) have meaning to you.

Step 3: Then take that word, write it down, and pin it up.

Setting Intetions For 2024 through using words of the year. This one says yes.

Place your word somewhere to let it shine and act as a reminder every time you see it as your intent for the year. Each time you glaze at that word really, truly, feel that word within every part of your being. Let it remind you that you have already begun and are well on your way to achieving the goal of your intention in a very wonderful way.

Setting intentions is something I always have my students start with in my in depth herbal stress lowering program, just as it will be with my new Moon Magic membership, as I honestly couldn’t have any of my students begin a big journey without doing so.

The thing is, intention setting isn’t just a process for the beginning of your journey to achieve something. It’s also for the end as well because when you get to the end of the year or end of the goal, you want to review your initial intentions you set so you can reflect on the process, noticing how well you did, how far you came, as well as where to go next. It’s a never ending spiral that beautifully whisks you through life in a more effortless way allowing you to achieve the desires you have and fulfill them beyond the desires you didn’t even consider possible.

Intention Setting Worksheet

Want more support setting your own intentions when beginning a new magical journey? Grab the FREE intention setting worksheet below to help you begin crafting your own magical goals and intentions for the year.

Use the worksheet as a guideline to set yourself a goal for this year, revise one you already made, or use it to reflect back on in the future to see how far you have come.💜

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