Two Amazing Herbs For Womb Health With Recipe For Pelvic Massage

Many women deal with various forms of womb health issues such as reproductive complications from cramping, lack of flow, delayed menses, irregular cycles, and general pain, as well as deeper complications such as cysts, fibroids, and endometriosis. So if you struggle with any of the above, first and foremost, don’t think you’re alone. These are definitely not rare gifts you inherited, although I’m sure you don’t consider them a gift at all. So today I want to share with you about two herbs for womb health that might just help you out in a big way.

Person touching stomach denotating love for her womb with reproductive issues

There can be so many ways the reproductive system gets off kilter providing unpleasant symptoms and each symptom can have its own unique path for support, however, one thing that can often be the root of the problem is pelvic stagnation.

Pelvic stagnation is when the blood that normally flows through the reproductive system no longer can flow properly. This happens mostly from some form of blockage, however, it’s often not a physical blockage like we would imagine. Sometimes it can be as if a dam was created in a river not allowing the liquid to pass by. However, it’s often just a mild version of a blockage not allowing blood to move properly, and often it’s more of a metaphorical energetic blockage from trauma and stress.

Either way, getting the blood to move is done by getting the energy to move as blood follows Qi. This is really good because it’s easier to get energy to flow than something physical like blood, and there are many ways you can support your body to get things moving properly again.

Very often we stuff our trauma and emotions into our bodies as things can be very hard to deal with at the time we’re dealing with the situation. Our bodies absorb our pain and past hurt as a coping mechanism for us as if it’s setting it aside for us to deal with later when we are more apt to handle it. However, society seems to get harsher and harsher and we’re having to deal with trauma and grief at far greater levels than we are designed to.

Women in general very often stuff their trauma and emotions directly into their wombs which can result in symptoms and problems down the road. By incorporating practices that help move and release some of this burden of stress we automatically begin helping our reproductive organs and body be more supported, heard, cared for, and filled with the movement and flow they naturally need.

Ritual With Herbs For Womb Health

One of my favorite things to help with pelvic stagnation is to massage the whole abdomen and womb area with an oil like coconut oil or sesame oil. Then if I want to kick it up a notch I infuse that oil with herbs. There are many herbs you can use that are great for supporting stress and calming the body, as well as ones that are specific for helping the reproductive system. My two favorites however for this purpose are Rose & Mugwort.

Using an herbal oil topically on your womb/abdomen on a consistent basis is a wonderful ritual to put into practice. I for example like to do this each dark moon as you can utilize the energy of that moon phase to help magnify the energy of the herbs. This practice really helps to connect you with your own inner needs in your mind, but even more so, within your womb.

Connecting with what our wombs need isn’t something that is usually part of our culture, but it’s a very powerful practice to put into action if developing a more aligned form of health and awareness of your health is desired. Applying an herbal oil to your womb also helps shift and move any blockages and past trauma and grief you may have stored there.

Herbs For Womb Health & Pelvic Congestion

Rose is a beautiful herb that I work with a lot and include in almost every formula I create for women. Rose is wonderful for not just stress and calming the mind, but it’s lovely for all kinds of trauma and heartache, something that almost every woman I see sadly has in some form.

Mugwort is very different than Rose as it shows up as an herb specific for helping women with pelvic congestion. It does this by opening up the blockages we may have in our womb. This is why if you consume Mugwort internally it can bring on delayed menses as well as increase your blood flow. Because of this, it’s not an herb to take internally if you’re pregnant or already have heavy bleeding. When you work with this herb topically it does the same thing but in a lot milder and gentler way, but still should be avoided if pregnant.

How To Make An Herbal Infused Oil For Womb Health

Rosa rugosa

Below is a recipe for making an herbal infused oil yourself with Rose and Mugwort. If you don’t have either of these herbs on hand simply using plain oil will suffice.

Herbal Infused Rose and Mugwort Oil Recipe


  • ½ pint glass jar
  • A handful of fresh wild roses (Beach Roses (Rosa rugosa) or Wild Rose (Rosa multiflora) are preferred. You can use other roses as long as they are not sprayed)
  • A handful of Mugwort, Artemesia vulgaris, tops. If pregnant skip the Mugwort and just use Rose petals.
  • Oil of your choice (I prefer olive oil, sesame, or grapeseed oil).


  • Add the fresh flowers to the glass pint jar until the jar is about 90% full.
  • Fill the jar almost to the top with oil leaving about a half inch of room.
  • Using the opposite end of a spoon or any other long slender utensil poke through the herbs and slightly move the handle around to remove any air bubbles.
  • Then fill the rest of the container with the oil to the brim and cover with a lid.
  • Store the jar in a cool place out of the sun with a paper towel underneath.
  • Remove the lid and check the jar every few days to make sure all the plant material is completely covered in oil so no mold will form.
  • After about two weeks you can strain out the oil.
  • Compost the herbs and transfer the now infused herbal oil into a sealed container.

To Add Extra Energy To Your Oil

On the full moon, you can place this oil in a windowsill or outside to let the moon charge your oil with Her healing essence and you may infuse it with any intentions you desire.

How To Use Your Rose & Mugwort Infused Herbal Oil

Use this oil as a pelvic massage oil whenever you wish to connect with your ovaries, reproductive system, or the moon.

Any extra roses and mugwort can be put under your pillow for enchanting dreams and further connecting with your womanly self.

Enjoy and many womb blessings to you!

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