Enchantment Within: Exploring the Meaning of Magic in Everyday Life

In the realm of my clinical herbal practice, clients frequently inquire about the pervasive theme of magic that weaves through my work wondering what the meaning of magic actually is.

It’s no surprise as not everyone is exposed to this part of life on a daily basis as magic is often hidden from society norms, despite the immense importance of incorporating magic in everyday life.

Today, let’s draw back the curtains and illuminate this elusive concept, a force that propels and underpins every facet of my journey as it’s something really important for you to be aware of within your own life.

Decoding the Meaning of Magic

The term “magic” is not just a casual addition to my business name; it’s a core principle that breathes life into all my endeavors. But let’s be real. The term magic is huge and it encapsulates a myriad of meanings within its five letters. Attempting to encapsulate its essence in words seems futile, for magic is both all-encompassing and yet defies definition due to its boundless nature. So despite its five letters, there are not enough words you can use to truly describe the concept as it’s so vast.

I actually spend the first month of my membership diving into this one concept, recognizing its enormity and the imperative need to comprehend it fully.


Because a life steeped in magic is undeniably the most impactful existence one can lead.

Not only is magic a vast topic, but it’s also something that means different things to different people. I can’t speak for others, only my viewpoint of what it means, and for me, magic means and is everything.


Magic in Everyday Life

Beyond its vastness, magic is also highly personal, taking on unique significance for each individual. While I cannot speak for others, I can share my perspective—magic, to me, is everything.

I see it as a subtle thread interwoven with whispers of enchantment, dancing with the knowledge accumulated throughout the ages.

At the intersection of these ethereal elements, the true meaning of magic unfolds—not as an elusive ideal but as a profound force intricately woven into the fabric of our existence.

Yes, magic is that large.

It’s something that is so crucial to be incorporating into your daily life.

If one neglects their inner magic, very often the skies become grayer, or they become too burdened with worry and anxiety they stop looking at color all together. 

When you have some form of magic infused into your life you automatically begin allowing yourself to live in alignment and every part of you and all that surrounds you begins to fall into alignment as well, often with little work needing to be done.

And no, infusing magic into your everyday life doesn’t need to be this lengthy process of spending hours a day practicing or infusing magic into your world. It doesn’t even need to be 30 minutes.

Simple moments infused easily and naturally into your day or week are all that you truly need for amazing outcomes.

Magic and Self-Discovery

Magic, my friend, is more than hocus-pocus and illusions; it’s the language of the universe, a secret shared between the cosmos and the beating heart within each one of us. It’s the art of finding wonder in the every day, of recognizing the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary moments that make up our lives, and at the core, magic is simply an act of self discovery of who we are as well as where we stand within the universe.

As we get older, magic takes on a new hue as it becomes a blend of seasoned wisdom and the ever-present thrill of discovery as we learn more and more about the truths of life, as well as the truth of who we really are. We also begin to realize that all that we have ever done, not just the good, but also the bad, brings us to this current moment and turns us into the amazing person we currently are (even if we don’t always feel so amazing). That is all magic, as we all live on a path fueled by it, we just don’t always follow it.

Think of a moment from your past where you were looking at the moon, whether it was a sliver in size or a large full moon just rising above the surface. Can you remember how you felt in that moment? Was it wonder? Awe? Inspiration? Or maybe you felt peace?

In that moment you were in the flow with magic as you were connecting with the wonder of the natural forces of the universe.

Now can you remember a time where you were in a car that was moving while watching the moon and it felt like the moon was following you and staring down only at you? Again, that was a moment of magic- an instance when the cosmic dance aligned with your journey.

Magic is tapping into not only the rhythms and qualities of the world that surrounds you but also the world that resides within you. It beckons you to synchronize with the rhythms of nature and each day unfolds as a chapter in a book of spells waiting to be written.

Imagine this book as your own, awaiting the ink of your experiences, thoughts, and dreams.

Look at it as your book waiting to be written.

Now ask yourself, what magic is waiting to be written in my book?

Want to learn more about magic and incorporating it into your life?

Check out Moon Magic Club to learn more. 

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life