What Is Magic? Discovering Meaning Beyond The Mundane

Hey there, beautiful soul! Have you ever wondered what magic truly is?

Maybe you’ve felt it in fleeting moments—those instances when the world seems to whisper secrets just for you. In my clinical herbal practice, clients often ask about the magic that weaves through my work, as I view magic as being something that is essential to truly feeling well. So today, let’s pull back the curtains and explore this enchanting concept a bit more.

Decoding the Meaning of Magic:

What is magic?

Magic isn’t just a random addition to my business name; it’s a core principle that breathes life into all that I do. But let’s be real… the term “magic” is vast, with a bunch of meanings within its five letters. Attempting to define magic can feel like trying to capture a rainbow in a jar- beautiful, elusive, and forever changing.

What is magic and the meaning of the mundane shown by sparkles in the sky looking magical

I actually spend the first month of my program Moon Magic Club diving deep into this concept. Why? Because understanding magic is essential to living a truly impactful life. Magic means different things to different people, and while I can’t speak for everyone, I can share my perspective: for me, magic is everything.

The kind of magic I’m referring to isn’t the pull a rabbit out of a hat kind. Nope. I’m referring to the magic that exists around every single one of us and exists naturally within the universe, but also, within you as well. It’s what’s behind the moments you feel like anything is possible, or the beauty you take in when you stare at the moon, and even the times when you have something happen to you that feels so serendipitous it’s like you just stepped into a movie. Magic isn’t so much as a thing, but rather, a state of being. When you connect and align with it, your life feels like you’re the most important Queen in the world. You begin to feel as if the stars seem to line up in the sky just for you.

Magic and Self-Discovery

Magic is more than hocus pocus and illusions; it’s the language of the universe, a secret shared between the cosmos and the beating heart within each one of us. It’s about finding wonder in everyday moments and recognizing the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. At its core, magic is an act of self-discovery uncovering who you are and where you stand within the universe.

As we grow older, magic takes on a new hue. It becomes a blend of seasoned wisdom and the thrill of discovery, revealing the truths of life and who we truly are. Every experience, good or bad, shapes us into the amazing people we are today. That’s magic—a path fueled by our experiences and the choices we make.

Think back to a moment when you were gazing at the moon. Whether it was a sliver in the sky or a full, glowing orb, how did you feel? Wonder? Awe? Inspiration? Peace? At that moment, you were in sync with the magic of the universe. Or remember a time when you were in a moving car, watching the moon seemingly follow you. That’s another magical moment—a cosmic dance aligning with your journey.

Magic in Everyday Life

Beyond its vastness, magic is deeply personal, taking on a unique meaning for each individual. It acts like a subtle thread interwoven with whispers of enchantment, dancing with the knowledge accumulated through the eons since the beginning of time and back.

To make it easier to understand, you can picture magic as a force. One that is intricately woven into the fabric of our existence. In fact, magic is something that is meant to consume every part of our world. But in truth, our busy modern day world makes it a very rare occurrence for most people. Magic has become something that is very rarely experienced or felt, something that most don’t even know exists. This plays a huge role in how many feel within society because most live in a world defined by the mundane.

Meaning of the Mundane

woman holding sparklers representing magic instead of the mundane

The definition of the word mundane means something ordinary, commonplace, or something that lacks excitement or interest. Mundane refers to the ordinary world that exists around us- the world that is completely detached from magic. You can think of mundane as meaning the aspects of everyday life that are routine or unremarkable. For example, mundane tasks might include daily chores like washing dishes or going to work, you know the activities that are necessary but not exactly fun or exciting (I don’t know about you but I don’t get any joy out of washing dishes).

The mundane world is where most people spend all of their time and it often consumes their world. However, there is also another world that really should be your priority, and that’s the magical world. The magical world is when you step away from the mundane and actively participate in the moments that bring you joy and inspiration. When we seek magic in life, we often aim to move beyond the mundane and instead, we fill our lives with wonder rather than get lost in the moments that might otherwise seem ordinary, and stressful, and bring us anything but joy.

Magic gives you hope because when you are truly aligned and connected to the natural world around you, you are able to transform your life and create the change that you seek in all aspects of your world.

How Do You Grow Your Magic?

You’re probably wondering how in the world then can you connect with and develop a relationship with this unseen force that is bigger than life. Well, there are many, many ways, and it’s a topic far beyond this blog post. However, incorporating magic into your daily is something that I believe is truly essential to fully live the life of your dreams. Your dreams, goals, and visions of the future, are in fact, magic.

The great thing is, that growing your magic doesn’t have to be a lengthy process. It can be as simple as taking small steps and tweaks in your regular life that are very well known for connecting you to your magic and that of the world around you. Many of them you probably already do now. You’re probably also aware in some way that they are already connecting you with the magic around you. Things such as pausing to appreciate a beautiful sunset, listening to the rustle of leaves in the wind, or feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. These small moments connect you with the magic of the natural world. They also connect you with the magic within you as well and can have a powerful impact, aligning you with your true self and the world around you.

The Magic of Nature and the Cosmos

The natural world and universe are created by and filled with magic. This is because nature and the universe are a living, breathing tapestry of magic, woven with the threads of countless mysteries and wonders. Each tree, plant, flower, and star holds a story. A piece of hidden wisdom that speaks to the very essence of life. The rustling leaves, the song of birds, and the gentle caress of a breeze are all whispers of the Earth’s enchantment. Each of them invite us to pause and connect with the world around us.

The cycles of growth, decay, and renewal mirror our own journeys, teaching us about resilience, transformation, and the beauty of change. When we attune ourselves to nature’s rhythms, we tap into an ancient, powerful magic that nurtures our spirits, heals our bodies, and awakens our deepest sense of wonder and belonging.

The moon, for example with its phases and cycles, is a powerful ally for all of us on this planet. Each phase brings its unique energy and medicine. The New Moon, often overshadowed by the Full Moon, is a rockstar in its own right. It’s a time for setting intentions and new beginnings, envisioning what you want and the direction you want to go in. Tapping into this energy sets you up for success in the upcoming month. When you align your magic with the moon’s phases, you harness its power to actively create the life you want. At the same time, your own inner magic grows exponentially as you learn just as much about your inner workings as you do that of the moon and universe.

Incorporating Magic into Your Life

Integrating magic into your daily routine can be simple and very rewarding. 

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Morning Rituals: Begin your day with a moment of gratitude. Acknowledge the magic of a new day and set your intentions.
  2. Nature Walks: Spend time in nature, observing the beauty around you. Listen to the birds, feel the breeze, and connect with the earth.
  3. Journaling: Reflect on your experiences and emotions. Write about moments of magic you encounter, no matter how small.
  4. Meditation: Spend a few minutes each day in quiet meditation, focusing on your breath and the present moment.
  5. Moon Phases: Pay attention to the moon’s phases and incorporate their energies into your intentions and actions.

The Power of Learning

Learning about magic can be challenging, especially when it’s not widely taught or understood. That’s why I created Moon Magic Club. It’s a space where you can explore and deepen your connection to magic in an inspiring way. My teachings draw from my training, personal connection to the universe, and intuitive channeling. And the best part? It’s all about simplicity. No complex rituals or overwhelming information—just straightforward guidance to help you infuse magic into your life.

Ready to dive deeper into the world of magic? 

Join Moon Magic Club and go on a journey of self discovery, empowerment, and enchantment. Each month, you’ll receive lessons on various magical topics, from understanding what magic is to exploring moon cycles, developing your intuition, chakras, and so much more. 

Magic taps into the rhythms of the world around us and within us. It asks us to synchronize with the rhythms of nature and turns each day into a chapter in a book of spells waiting to be written. Imagine this book as your own, filled with your experiences, thoughts, and dreams. Now, ask yourself: what magic is waiting to be written in my book?

Remember, the magic you seek is already within you. All you need to do is embrace it!

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