Best Hydration Drinks: Ultimate Guide To Beating Summer Heat

Hydration Drinks: Your Key to Beating Summer Heat

Summer is here in all its hot and humid glory, isn’t it? While soaking up those summer vibes feels amazing, staying hydrated can be a real challenge. We all know how important hydration is, but sometimes it’s easier said than done, right? Don’t worry though, I’ve got your back with some simple and effective hydration drinks and tips to keep you hydrated all summer long.

Why Hydration Matters

sliced orange fruits underwater showing hydration drinks

Staying hydrated is crucial for keeping our bodies functioning smoothly. Our bodies are made up of mostly water, and it’s essential for regulating body temperature, maintaining skin health, supporting digestion, and keeping energy levels up. During the summer, when we’re out in the sun, we lose even more water through sweat, making it extra important to up our fluid intake.

However, sipping down extra water isn’t always easy. Not everyone enjoys the flavor of water (and the frequent trips to the bathroom aren’t exactly convenient). 😨

The great thing is, there are plenty of hydration drinks and tips to make the process easier and tastier!

Hydration Tips for Summer

Here are some easy options to up your water intake in fun, tasty, and easy to implement ways:

1. Infuse Your Water with Herbs and Fruits

Plain water can get boring, but adding a little flavor makes it much more exciting. Try infusing your water with slices of cucumber, mint, lemon, or berries. Not only does it taste great, but herbs like mint also have cooling properties that make hydration even more refreshing.

2. Eat Your Water

Yes, you read that right! Foods with high water content can help keep you hydrated. Munch on juicy fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, and strawberries, or crunchy veggies like cucumber, celery, and lettuce. They’re perfect for snacking and hydrating at the same time.

3. Make Herbal Iced Teas

Brew some herbal teas like peppermint, hibiscus, or chamomile, let them cool, and enjoy them over ice. These teas are not only delicious but also add to your daily water intake. Plus, they come with their own health benefits—win-win!

4. Set a Hydration Reminder

It’s easy to forget to drink water when you’re busy. Setting hourly reminders on your phone is a great hack to keep you on track. Sometimes a little nudge is all we need to stay on top of our water game.

5. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle

Keep a reusable water bottle with you at all times. Whether you’re heading to the beach, the park, or just out and about, having water on hand makes it a lot easier to stay hydrated. Remember, you can’t drink anything if it’s not with you.

6. Coconut Water

Swap out sugary drinks for coconut water. Coconut water is a natural electrolyte-packed option that hydrates you while providing a tropical taste as well. You can also add it to other beverages like smoothies or use it in frozen treats like below.

7. Make Hydrating Popsicles

Blend up some fruit, a bit of coconut water, and herbs like mint or basil, then freeze them into popsicles. They make a tasty, hydrating treat that kids and adults love.

8. Drink a Glass Upon Waking Up

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning. We actually lose a lot of water when we’re sleeping and can wake up pretty dehydrated (just ask any mouth breather or person who snores as they notice it even more). So drinking a big glass of water first thing is very helpful to start the day off right and top up your water reserves.

How to Be More Hydrated

person in blue denim jacket holding stainless steel bottle with hydration drinks

Drinking enough water and enjoying hydration drinks can keep you cool and feeling great. Hydration doesn’t have to be a chore. By incorporating these tips, you’ll be well on your way to staying hydrated throughout the summer. Give a few of them a try and experiment with what works best for you.

Need more options, take note of the tips below to really elevate your hydration at any time of year.

Extra Tips for Staying Hydrated Year Round

Here are a few more tips for staying hydrated:

  • Stay Ahead of Thirst: Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. By the time you feel thirsty, you’re already a bit dehydrated. Keep sipping throughout the day to stay ahead of thirst.
  • Monitor Your Urine: Sounds weird, but your urine color is a good indicator of your hydration levels. Aim for light yellow; if it’s dark, you need more fluids.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of dehydration like headaches, dizziness, or dry mouth. If you notice these symptoms, increase your fluid intake immediately.

Hydration Tips for Outdoor Workers:

For those of you working outside, hydration is even more crucial as it can be even trickier to up your water levels while being so busy. As a farmer, I get it, so I have extra love for those who spend their days outside. Here are some specific bonus hydration tips for outdoor workers (or anyone really who spends extended time outside):

  • Wear Light Clothing: Light, breathable clothing can help you stay cool and reduce sweating, which means less fluid loss. Win, win. Also, darker colors make you hotter, so aim for white or light colored clothing as well.
  • Take Regular Breaks: Make sure to take regular breaks in the shade or a cool place to give your body a chance to recover and rehydrate.
  • Use Electrolyte Solutions: In addition to water, consider using electrolyte solutions or tablets to replace lost minerals from sweating. These are essential if your working out during really hot days. There are many amazing sugar free options on the market and I also included a recipe below to make one at home as well.
  • Keep Hydration Accessible: Have a hydration station nearby with plenty of fluids readily available. If you don’t have water near you, you have no way to hydrate!
  • Use A Wet Towel: This is one of my favorite tricks for beating summer heat. Take a hand towel or rag and wet it thoroughly with cool water. Then place the towel around your neck. It rapidly cools down your body as you’re directly apply coolness by your major arteries. Leave the towel around your neck for as long as you can while you’re working. I use this trick every time I have to work outside in 90 degree weather doing farm work and it makes the process so much more bearable.

filled clear drinking glass with sliced citrus and mint for hydration

Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe

Here’s a simple recipe for a homemade electrolyte drink that helps keep your body hydrated.


  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup of natural fruit juice (such as orange, lemon, or lime juice)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
  • Optional: 1-2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup for sweetness


  1. In a large pitcher, combine the water, apple cider vinegar, fruit juice, and sea salt.
  2. Stir well until the salt is completely dissolved.
  3. If desired, add honey or maple syrup to taste and stir until well mixed.
  4. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.
  5. Pour into a glass, add ice if desired, and enjoy your refreshing homemade electrolyte drink!

This drink provides hydration and replenishes essential electrolytes, making it perfect for hot summer days or after a workout.

Staying hydrated doesn’t have to be difficult or boring. With these hydration tips and delicious hydration drinks, you can enjoy your summer to the fullest without worrying about dehydration.

Stay cool, stay hydrated, and enjoy every moment of this sunny season!

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