Red & Yellow Watermelon Benefits: Unlock Summer’s Hidden Health Secret

Juicy watermelon with watermelon seeds

Nothing says a summertime like BBQs and there’s one staple that almost always makes an appearance during this summertime holiday… watermelon! During summer you see red and yellow watermelon put on full display, and it’s no surprise as summer just wouldn’t be complete without the bliss that watermelon can bring. However, watermelon is a fruit that is far more than just incredibly sweet and tasty. Red and yellow watermelon also boasts some pretty amazing health benefits as well.

Let’s dive into the world of red and yellow watermelon and get to know how it can make not only your summer even sweeter, but also how the fruit and rind can amp up your life.

Red & Yellow Watermelon Benefits

Did you know watermelon is considered an herb? Yup. You are surrounded by herbs and you might not even know it. You also consume herbs every single day in some form… basil, cilantro, ginger, and even coffee is an herb and they all have some form of medicinal benefits… plus amazing flavor as well.

Watermelon is no different. It’s packed with nutrients that can help keep you healthy and hydrated. Watermelon is known as Citrullus vulgaris, or Xi gua in Chinese Medicine, and it’s an amazing herb for summer. Now let’s get to know a bit of the behind the scenes benefits of this summertime treat.

Benefits of Watermelon:

Hydration: Watermelon is a fruit that contains about 92% water. This makes it an excellent choice for staying hydrated during hot summer days just by eating it. It’s one of the biggest herbs used for clearing summer heat in Chinese medicine which is a condition that can lead to dehydration, heat stroke, and severe digestion discomfort.

Immune System: Watermelon is also a fruit that is loaded with vitamins A and C. These are essential for skin health and boosting your immune system. Plus, it contains antioxidants like lycopene, which can help protect your cells from damage and certain cancers, especially lung, esophageal, colon, and uterine cancers.

Digestive Aid: Watermelon’s cooling and soothing effect helps release excess heat within the digestive system. This can help support reflux, ulcers, and any inflamed hot condition within the digestive system. It also contains fiber which can help improve digestion and keep things moving smoothly in your digestive tract.

Kidney & Bladder Support: The fruit is a good diuretic (basically makes you pee), reduces inflammation, and detoxifies the kidneys making it great for those that don’t urinate enough (often from lack of hydration) while also reducing edema due to retaining water. This action makes it useful for protocols for kidney and UTI infections, cystitis, and kidney stones.

Blood Sugar: Even though watermelon has quite a bit of sugar and a high glycemic index, the fact it contains so much water lowers the impact it has on blood sugar and can actually reduce it. (Read below to learn more about watermelon seeds and blood sugar).

Benefits Of Yellow Watermelon Specifically

Yellow watermelon on the ground

Yellow watermelon isn’t as common to find in a grocery store as its red counterpart, but it’s one that can often be found at farmer’s markets and organic farmers during the hot summer months. While all watermelon has the above benefits, there is one key benefit of yellow watermelon that makes it stand out.

The biggest difference between red and yellow watermelon medicinally is that yellow watermelon benefits from its antioxidant profile. Yellow watermelon contains beta-carotene, another potent antioxidant that actually gives yellow watermelon its yellow color.

Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body, which is important for vision, immune function, and skin health as well. While red watermelon has some Vitamin A within it, yellow watermelon has a lot higher of a concentration, making the benefits of yellow watermelon slightly higher when it comes to immune function.

Benefits of Red & Yellow Watermelon Seeds

Yellow watermelon benefits for health with watermelon seeds

Watermelon has evolved over the years and the infamous red varieties we find now are very different than earlier species. Modern varieties are bred to no longer contain seeds through genetically modifying the fruit. Watermelon seeds were seen as a nuisance, getting in the way of the sweet flesh that surrounded them. However, removing the seeds has a problem besides just the impact of eating genetically modified food. Watermelon seeds actually have a lot of health benefits within them!

When I was a kid whenever I accidentally swallowed a watermelon seed my grandfather would tell me I was going to grow a watermelon in my belly. I of course believed him and made sure to do my best to avoid swallowing another one. However, watermelon seeds can actually be eaten, and are a very healthy snack. So now, I intentionally eat the seeds, although I actually chew them rather than swallow them whole! And no, you won’t grow your own belly watermelon if you accidentally or intentionally swallow them. So let’s toss away any fear you might still have from your own childhood.

Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon seeds are nutrient-dense and provide several health benefits. They are rich in magnesium, iron, and healthy fats. So consuming watermelon seeds can actually help with metabolism, muscle recovery, and heart health as well. They are also known to help regulate blood sugar metabolism. Those tiny little watermelon seeds can definitely pack a large burst of wellness.

Now most versions of watermelon in stores are seedless red watermelon varieties. However, yellow watermelon hasn’t been altered yet and is most often always organic and loaded with small watermelon seeds. At least the ones on the market haven’t been altered to the degree of losing their seeds yet and they still look like the original round version of watermelon. It wasn’t until they bred the bigger oblong varieties of watermelon that the seeds started getting bigger with a thicker shell making them harder to eat. That makes another benefit of yellow watermelon over its red sister.

Benefits of Watermelon Sexually

Watermelon is sometimes dubbed as a natural Viagra due to its high content of citrulline. Citrulline is an amino acid that helps relax and dilate blood vessels, resulting in improved blood flow within the body. This increase in blood flow can potentially help with sexual performance and reduce erectile dysfunction as proper blood flow and circulation are essential for reproductive health.

In addition to citrulline, watermelon contains other important nutrients that can boost sexual health. The presence of antioxidants like lycopene helps protect cells from damage and improves heart health, which is crucial for maintaining good sexual function. Furthermore, the high water content in watermelon aids in hydration, which is essential for maintaining energy levels and stamina during intimate moments.

Moreover, watermelon’s rich supply of vitamins A and C plays a significant role in overall sexual wellness. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining reproductive health and regulating the functions of sexual organs, while Vitamin C boosts the immune system and enhances skin health, contributing to an overall sense of well-being and confidence. Therefore, by incorporating watermelon into your diet, you’re not just indulging in a tasty treat but also supporting your sexual vitality and helping to enhance your intimate experiences. The act of sharing watermelon with loved ones can strengthen bonds and foster a sense of community and togetherness, making it a fruit of love and unity.

Talk about a pleasurable treat. Now you can see there is so much more than just taste to this cool treat. 🍉

Red & Yellow Watermelon Lore

Did you know that watermelon has been used in various cultures for its magical properties?

Watermelon, beyond its juicy sweetness and hydrating properties, is imbued with magical qualities that resonate with the energy of summer. Often associated with the element of water, watermelon is believed to enhance intuition and emotional clarity. By doing so it helps you tap into your inner wisdom.

In various traditions, red and yellow watermelon is seen as a fruit that promotes healing and balance. It aids in the release of negative emotions and creates a sense of calm and renewal. This isn’t hard to believe when you think of the natural detoxification and elimination properties that watermelon contains. Incorporating watermelon into your magical practice can also help you connect with the soothing, cleansing energy of water. This makes it a powerful ally for emotional healing and spiritual growth during the high energy of summer months.

Watermelon is also known for its protective qualities. Some cultures have used it in rituals to ward off negative energies and bring about a sense of security and peace. If you place watermelon seeds around your home or garden it’s believed to create a protective barrier, keeping unwanted energies at bay.

Watermelon Recipes

Yellow watermelon smoothie

There are so many ways to cut up water and eat it as a tasty treat from cutting it into triangles, cubes, and circles. I personally prefer tiny little cubes (I think it tastes sweet the smaller it is). Here are a few other favorite ways to incorporate watermelon into your diet beyond eating it plain.

1. Watermelon Mint Salad:

Combine cubed watermelon, fresh mint leaves, and a squeeze of lime juice. This simple salad is incredibly refreshing and one of my perfect treats to bring to any summer picnic or event.

2. Watermelon Smoothie:

Blend together 2 cups of watermelon, 1/2 cup of coconut water, a handful of ice, and a few pieces of fresh ginger (to taste).

3. Watermelon Popsicles:

Puree watermelon chunks in a blender and pour into popsicle molds. Freeze until solid for a cool treat that kids and adults will love.

Use red or yellow watermelon for any of these recipes. I’m more of a fan of yellow watermelon as the flavor of yellow watermelon tends to be a tad bit sweeter and has slightly more depth to it than the red varieties.

Here’s to watermelon and staying cool!

Want to learn more about herbal medicine? Check out my mini course Herbalism 101 here to start.

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