Magical Musings

Thanksgiving Spices; Why You Need To Be Using Them

November 16, 2023

Do you spice it up? No, I don’t mean that kind of spice (geez ). I mean do you spice your food […]

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End Mind Chatter & Declutter Your Mind With Brain Dumps

November 8, 2023

Do you have too much mind chatter taking up some vital headspace? I have a really cool tool for you today that […]

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Thinning Of The Veil & How to Make An Ancestor Altar

October 12, 2023

Did you know Halloween is traditionally a time for honoring ancestors? This is because of the thinning of the veil, which is a time where the veil between our world and others is thinner.

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The Celebration of Mabon: Discover Its Healing Meaning of Gratitude

September 21, 2023

As the vibrant greens of summer begin to mellow into the fiery hues of autumn, we find ourselves at a crossroads of […]

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Fall Equinox; It’s Magic for Balance Within

September 18, 2023

As the leaves begin their graceful descent, and the air carries the hint of autumn’s approach, we find ourselves standing at the […]

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7 Ways to Support Yourself In Smoke Filled Air

June 8, 2023

Hazy skies got you concerned and wondering how you can support your health in smoke filled air? Thankfully there is a lot […]

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life