Magical Musings

Supporting Burnout With Oats to the Rescue

August 3, 2022

It seems everyone and everything in the world is on edge right now. Walking a tight rope that’s frayed and ready to […]

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For Women; A Dark Moon Ritual to Remember Your Power When the World Disregards You

June 28, 2022

It seems the world turned a darker shade over the past few days. And yes, today is actually the dark moon so […]

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A Midsummer Ritual to Help Find Clarity

June 19, 2022

Are you enjoying the brilliance of summer and all the beauty growing around you in your part of the world as we […]

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Using the Energy of Beltane to Connect With Your Inner Passion

April 28, 2022

In the time of old, the tradition was to follow the seasons and the energy that each season brought forth. Those seasons […]

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Spring Greens for Spring Cleaning

April 21, 2022

Welcome spring! The birds are busy creating their nests and finding mates. Buds on the trees are beginning to burst open with […]

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How Do You Work With Water Essences?

April 21, 2022

In last weeks blog post I shared with you about the benefits of water essences and how amazing they are at supporting […]

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life