Weeding Your Garden of Stress:

Break Free From Stress

Sick of stress running the show?

It's time you flip the script!

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Ready To Break Free From Stress?

If stress is feeling like the boss of your world, you're not alone, friend!

But, what do we tend to do with that boss? Usually, we just deal with it as it’s part of life, right?

👉 Well, stress is one boss you can actually speak your mind to and toss out the window… finally. 

It's time to take back control and actually BE the boss of stress instead and take back your power over how you feel!

For a limited time, you can get access to the Masterclass Weeding Your Garden of Stress completely FREE and it's designed to help you break free from stress!

Grab your spot using the link below and let's show stress who's boss! 💪

Calm woman drinking tea showing what you learn in The Calming Toolkit course
Weeding Your Garden of Stress class for a calm life mockup image

The amazing thing about stress is there truly are MANY things you can do to flip the switch and toss it out of your life. But sadly, it's rare we are ever told the secrets for how to actually tackle stress!

Lucky for you, in this masterclass, I'm spilling the beans on the stress-busting secrets our modern way of wellness forgot to mention as we pull the weeds on stress.

This Masterclass Will Have You:

  • 🚀 Discover why stress has been dodging your eviction notices
  • 🧠 Unlock the superpowers you never knew you had to control your stress levels
  • 😂 Laugh in the face of stress as you kick it to the curb!
  • 🌿 Get to know tips and tricks for filling your world with more calm!

Let’s say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to a life filled with more joy and ease because you truly DESERVE IT!

Join the FREE Masterclass Weeding Your Garden of Stress and Break Free From Stress.

Let's give stress a piece of our minds! 💥

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Hi! I'm Heather Plant

I'm a clinical herbalist, holistic stress and wellness coach, medicine maker, and a momma to two kiddos who always keep me on my toes. I spent most of my life learning about stress and anxiety through various healing modalities after struggling with it personally since childhood. Along the way, I fell in love with the medicine of the Earth, especially the form that the plants bring.

So many of us struggle with being overwhelmed in today's society. I created this guide as a small step to help you learn about some of the ways plants can work to help bring a little more inner calm into your life, as you oh so deserve it!
