Calming Blueprint

Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed & Don't Know How To Stop The Cycle? A Calming Blueprint Can Show You The Way!

Trying To Release Stress & Overwhelm Can Leave You Feeling More Overwhelmed

That's because you've never been taught how to get a handle on stress before.
It's okay. It's time we change that for you!
HP Sniffing Flowers

Does This Sound Familiar:

  • You wake up and you can already feel the stress and tension present, so going back to bed sounds like a great solution.
  • You don't know where to even begin with releasing stress. You probably tried meditating and yoga but nothing seems to help and you don't know what to do.
  • You don't even know what a life with less stress would feel like as it's been way too long since it's been that way.

There's nothing I love more than seeing the change that occurs in clients and students when they begin to understand what everyone should have been taught all along...

what causes stress to be so damn stressful and how to actually handle it.

It's not like the world gets any easier sadly, which is why I created the Calming Blueprint to give you a quick understanding of the behind the scenes steps to busting away stress.

"Let your calmer dreams bloom."

Calming Blueprint is an online course focused on providing you with a blueprint plan to begin releasing stress.

You'll learn about the nervous system and the stress cycle so you can understand what is actually going on to cause stress to feel so damn stressful (and turn into those annoying other symptoms).

Plus, even more importantly, you'll learn what you can do to make your body work for you rather than against you when it comes to stress.

Why bother learning about the stress cycle you might be wondering?

Because when you know how something works, you are then empowered to know how to change it!

This is key to supporting stress and it's the thing you are unfortunately never taught... until now!


Join Now To Discover:

  • What's going on behind the scenes to cause you to feel stressed out.
  • Have an understanding of what happens to cause daily life stress to turn into something that feels overwhelming.
  • Learn what you need to do to shift your stress cycle and turn it from a burden to feeling calm.
  • Access my protocol for living through life with simple occasional tweaks to keep intense stress and anxiety at bay.
  • Get to know easy to use natural options for supporting and building your resilience to stress.
  • Get insight into plants that shine at helping us make it through this crazy world in an easier more gentle way.

Why Should You Take This?

  • You deserve to understand the behind the scenes of stress.
  • You want to know the truth about stress so you can actually change how it impacts you.
  • When you have a blueprint (a plan of action) it makes it so much easier to accomplish living a life with less stress.
Lavender 2

"Anytime is a perfect time to let go of stress."

Calming Blueprint course

Here's What's Inside:

  • Video lessons that teach you all about the stress cycle, and more importantly, how to hack your own system so you can turn on your calm cycle.
  • Closed captions are included for all videos.
  • Lessons are broken down into 4 mini segments for your convenience that can be completed in less than 2 hours.

Plus Bonuses:

Image of the guide Using Herbs to Support Inner Calm

Bonus #1 Using Herbs to Support Inner Calm Guide (Full Length Version)

Calming Blueprint course woman journaling notes about the blueprint for stress relief

Bonus #2 Calming Blueprint Template + Video Course


Bonus #3 Calming Herbal Actions Chart

What Students Are Saying...


HP Sniffing Flowers

Do you have any questions about my courses? Reach out to me!

Hi! I'm Heather Plant

I struggled heavily with anxiety since childhood and grew up basically eating stress for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It consumed me, and my mind always felt full of spiraling worries and fear of losing control. After having kids it only got worse and panic attacks became an often occurrence. I stopped trusting my body and felt alone, but I knew life wasn't meant to be this way.

 I pulled on my years of studying various forms of natural health and went deeper. I dedicated the next decade to studying the ins and outs of the body and stress, became a clinical herbalist, and connected heavily to the medicine of the Earth.

Through the process, my life changed completely and I felt full of power, rather than feeling like a puppet controlled by an unseen master which was my fear. I have since worked with countless clients and students to help them free themselves from the burdens of stress as well.


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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life