Magical Musings

sliced orange fruits underwater showing hydration drinks

Best Hydration Drinks: Ultimate Guide To Beating Summer Heat

July 31, 2024

Discover the best hydration drinks and tips for summer! Learn how to stay hydrated with our easy tips for outdoor workers and summer heat.

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Meaning of magic as the full moon rises in the sky

Enchantment Within: Exploring the Meaning of Magic in Everyday Life

March 6, 2024

In the realm of my clinical herbal practice, clients frequently inquire about the pervasive theme of magic that weaves through my work […]

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End Mind Chatter & Declutter Your Mind With Brain Dumps

November 8, 2023

Do you have too much mind chatter taking up some vital headspace? I have a really cool tool for you today that […]

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7 Ways to Support Yourself In Smoke Filled Air

June 8, 2023

Hazy skies got you concerned and wondering how you can support your health in smoke filled air? Thankfully there is a lot […]

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Herbal Aphrodisiacs- For All Forms of Love, Not Just Libido

February 13, 2023

Looking for some herbal Valentine’s recipes? I got you covered with two of my favorite herbal aphrodisiac recipes below. But first, let’s […]

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Resolutions are Not an Ending; Rather a New Beginning

December 18, 2022

I don’t know if you’re someone that likes to make New Year’s resolutions or if you’d rather grab a pint of Ben […]

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life