Magical Musings

5 Tips for Less Stressful Holiday Gatherings

November 23, 2022

Is the stress of the holidays on your mind? The holidays can bring a mixed bunch of emotions, from heightened stress and […]

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The Lungs and Grief, the Medicine of Fall

October 5, 2022

Have you noticed the shift that has occurred? Maybe you live in an area that experiences the colorful show that fall brings […]

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For Women; A Dark Moon Ritual to Remember Your Power When the World Disregards You

June 28, 2022

It seems the world turned a darker shade over the past few days. And yes, today is actually the dark moon so […]

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Spring Greens for Spring Cleaning

April 21, 2022

Welcome spring! The birds are busy creating their nests and finding mates. Buds on the trees are beginning to burst open with […]

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What Does a Traffic Light Have to do with Stress?

March 24, 2022

Actually, it has a lot to do with it. You see, within the nervous system there are two branches. One causes fight, […]

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4 Tips for Easing Winter Blues

January 25, 2022

With January being the darkest of the months it’s often one of the hardest month’s for many. It can seem like winter will never end and the more often than not gray skies can really deplete your levels of joy. I often refer to it as the month of gloom as many of my clients tend to request some extra support around the emotion of sadness at this time.

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life