Magical Musings

5 Tips For A Calmer Holiday Season

December 9, 2021

The end of the year holidays… the same music streaming on every station in every store you enter, the list of gifts to purchase that never feels complete even though your wallet has diminished in sizes you swore wouldn’t happen again, and the bombardment of sales ads every time you check your email that makes you feel exposed and filled with a panic that you’re going to miss something if you don’t purchase before the ticking time is over.

Yes it’s the holiday season again. The most wonderful time of the year… not… for many.

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Homeschooling 101- How it Began For My Family

August 18, 2021

The busyness of summer has taken over and between the gardens in full swing, consultations, and homeschool planning the energy of high […]

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Supportive Dandelion

May 10, 2021

Oh Dandelion, one of the best Spring greens and nature’s food for our modern day society. Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, also goes by the name Lion’s Tooth, a very relevant name referring to it’s often sharp pointy looking leaves. It’s often a highly loathed plant by anyone that prefers a pristine green lawn filled solely of grass.

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3 Easy Ways To Cleanse The Energetic Body With Herbs

March 28, 2020

We all live in this soup of the Earth with our energies comingling, so it’s not hard to see we are all being impacted as a human race in one way or another. When so many in the world are feeling intense negative emotions it can be difficult to not take it on and have it impact our own lives emotionally and physically.

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Covid-19 and Supporting Stress and Our Immune System

March 25, 2020

With the new craziness going on and our new normal drastically shifting from day to day many of us are experiencing a lot of fear, anxiety, and overwhelm with all that is going on. To hopefully provide a little help I want to share with you what I am doing personally to help support my family, clients, and myself during these times in hopes it may also help you in some way.

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Herbal Steams

March 13, 2020

Certain herbs are high in volatile oils that contain antimicrobial action. When the lungs need assistance doing a steam with these herbs is best as the antimicrobial action directly touches on your lung tissue where it’s needed.

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life