Magical Musings

Rose Medicine to Soften the Heart; Plus Recipes

August 18, 2021

I recently returned from a very restorative trip to the beach. It’s been two years since I have been able to feel […]

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Power of Scent & Lilac Salt Scrub Recipe

May 10, 2021

Some of my favorite ways to work with the scent of plants are through herbal oils and salt scrubs. These methods extract the natural smell of the volatile oils in plants but not in a way that is too strong and overly powerful like essential oils.

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Supportive Dandelion

May 10, 2021

Oh Dandelion, one of the best Spring greens and nature’s food for our modern day society. Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, also goes by the name Lion’s Tooth, a very relevant name referring to it’s often sharp pointy looking leaves. It’s often a highly loathed plant by anyone that prefers a pristine green lawn filled solely of grass.

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Nourishing Nettles

April 21, 2021

There isn’t enough amazing things and gratitude I can give to this plant that is the forever giver of nutrition and health. Nettles is the ultimate Earth giving plant of nourishment. Let’s explore how amazing he is.

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Beets- Delicious & Vibrant Blood Tonics

March 20, 2021

Beets are amazing nutrient dense food for our whole bodies and perfect for Spring detoxification. These beautifully red (or orange) are so vibrant in color they just ooze with vitality.

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Herbal Steams

March 13, 2020

Certain herbs are high in volatile oils that contain antimicrobial action. When the lungs need assistance doing a steam with these herbs is best as the antimicrobial action directly touches on your lung tissue where it’s needed.

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life