Magical Musings

Thanksgiving Spices; Why You Need To Be Using Them

November 16, 2023

Do you spice it up? No, I don’t mean that kind of spice (geez ). I mean do you spice your food […]

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The Celebration of Mabon: Discover Its Healing Meaning of Gratitude

September 21, 2023

As the vibrant greens of summer begin to mellow into the fiery hues of autumn, we find ourselves at a crossroads of […]

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Fall Equinox; It’s Magic for Balance Within

September 18, 2023

As the leaves begin their graceful descent, and the air carries the hint of autumn’s approach, we find ourselves standing at the […]

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What is Ostara and How to Tap Into the Healing Medicine this Time of Year Brings?

March 18, 2023

It seems like this was one of the longest Winter’s ever and the hope and light Spring brings is uplifting to the spirit on such a higher and deeper level this year.

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7 Easy Ways to Celebrate Samhain & Deepen Your Spirituality

October 28, 2022

7 Ways to Celebrate Samhain I’m sure you’re aware that Halloween takes place on October 31st, but did you know there another […]

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The Lungs and Grief, the Medicine of Fall

October 5, 2022

Have you noticed the shift that has occurred? Maybe you live in an area that experiences the colorful show that fall brings […]

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life