Magical Musings

How to Grow Garlic

November 8, 2021

Garlic is the lazy plant, for this lazy farmer. It’s so easy to grow you will wonder why you haven’t been growing it all along.

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Nourishing Nettles

April 21, 2021

There isn’t enough amazing things and gratitude I can give to this plant that is the forever giver of nutrition and health. Nettles is the ultimate Earth giving plant of nourishment. Let’s explore how amazing he is.

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Aligning with the energy of spring

April 20, 2021

There is no finish line we need to race to. The journey of life is as much if not more meaningful then where we want to go.

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Beets- Delicious & Vibrant Blood Tonics

March 20, 2021

Beets are amazing nutrient dense food for our whole bodies and perfect for Spring detoxification. These beautifully red (or orange) are so vibrant in color they just ooze with vitality.

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Aligning With Your Winter Thaw

March 12, 2021

The thawing of Winter is finally fully upon us.

The Earth has awakened and She has pushed through the first flowers of Spring!

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Ways To Celebrate Imbolc & Winter’s End

January 31, 2021

In ancient times people were often very connected to the land around them and observed the beauty of nature that surrounded them. […]

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life