Magical Musings

November’s Full Beaver Moon

November 13, 2019

The Full Moon in November is felt as a huge turning point seasonally. This moon is often preceded with the first deep frost and true initial coldness of the season. It’s a time of complete transition from the passing of Fall and the entering into Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Living in New England it’s not hard to realize Winter is no longer just on it’s way, but it’s actually here. The winds of change have come many weeks ago and their icy chill remains and pop up with every little stirring of movement. The air itself contains a ice bitten blast that stings whatever skin was neglected to be protected. The winds begin to stir up often and make their presence known with a whistle and blow often missing from the summery days of the year. The full on presence of winter is becoming rapidly known.

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Are you aligning with your roots this Fall?

October 18, 2019

Fall is such a perfect name for this season on so many levels. As the leaves are falling from the trees above, the energy of the plant world falls with it down to the Earth. As the energy in the plants wane it goes down deep into the Earth going back to where it originated from. It forms an endless cycle of death and rebirth.

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