Magical Musings

The Lungs and Grief, the Medicine of Fall

October 5, 2022

Have you noticed the shift that has occurred? Maybe you live in an area that experiences the colorful show that fall brings […]

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What Your Fall Wardrobe is Teaching You About Stress

September 22, 2022

Happy Fall Equinox The fall equinox is also referred to as a celebration of harvest in the Wheel of the Year. It’s […]

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Supporting Burnout With Oats to the Rescue

August 3, 2022

It seems everyone and everything in the world is on edge right now. Walking a tight rope that’s frayed and ready to […]

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What You Are Not Supposed to Talk About & How The New Moon Can Help

March 31, 2022

Blessed New Moon! Tomorrow is the Aries New Moon and with that I wanted to share a bit about something we’re not […]

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What Does a Traffic Light Have to do with Stress?

March 24, 2022

Actually, it has a lot to do with it. You see, within the nervous system there are two branches. One causes fight, […]

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Skullcap; An Herb For a Quieter Mind

March 11, 2022

There are certain plants that really help when it comes to reducing the impact of stress on the body from both a […]

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life