Magical Musings

My Top Herb For Supporting Stress When You Need Some Motherly Love: Motherwort

March 3, 2022

This post is all about one of my top ten plants I couldn’t live without, especially during these stressful times. If you’ve […]

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4 Tips for Easing Winter Blues

January 25, 2022

With January being the darkest of the months it’s often one of the hardest month’s for many. It can seem like winter will never end and the more often than not gray skies can really deplete your levels of joy. I often refer to it as the month of gloom as many of my clients tend to request some extra support around the emotion of sadness at this time.

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Self Rejuvenation Through Embracing The Darkness Of Winter

December 20, 2021

As we approach the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere we enter into the true abyss of darkness.

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5 Tips For A Calmer Holiday Season

December 9, 2021

The end of the year holidays… the same music streaming on every station in every store you enter, the list of gifts to purchase that never feels complete even though your wallet has diminished in sizes you swore wouldn’t happen again, and the bombardment of sales ads every time you check your email that makes you feel exposed and filled with a panic that you’re going to miss something if you don’t purchase before the ticking time is over.

Yes it’s the holiday season again. The most wonderful time of the year… not… for many.

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Rose Medicine to Soften the Heart; Plus Recipes

August 18, 2021

I recently returned from a very restorative trip to the beach. It’s been two years since I have been able to feel […]

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Power of Scent & Lilac Salt Scrub Recipe

May 10, 2021

Some of my favorite ways to work with the scent of plants are through herbal oils and salt scrubs. These methods extract the natural smell of the volatile oils in plants but not in a way that is too strong and overly powerful like essential oils.

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life