Magical Musings

Person touching stomach denotating love for her womb with reproductive issues

Two Amazing Herbs For Womb Health With Recipe For Pelvic Massage

June 1, 2024

Many women deal with various forms of womb health issues such as reproductive complications from cramping, lack of flow, delayed menses, irregular […]

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Herbal Aphrodisiacs- For All Forms of Love, Not Just Libido

February 13, 2023

Looking for some herbal Valentine’s recipes? I got you covered with two of my favorite herbal aphrodisiac recipes below. But first, let’s […]

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For Women; A Dark Moon Ritual to Remember Your Power When the World Disregards You

June 28, 2022

It seems the world turned a darker shade over the past few days. And yes, today is actually the dark moon so […]

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Endometriosis, the Lonely Affliction; A Personal Story

March 29, 2021

Endometriosis is a “disease” that about 10% of the female bodied population suffer from. With endometriosis the cells that normally make up the endometrial lining of the uterus reside in other places of the body, besides just the uterus.

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Holding Trauma in the Ovaries

March 29, 2021

Being a female in this time is not easy, but was it ever truly easy? I may be just one woman on this planet but oh do I feel the change that has been brewing. Our past hurts, our traumas, our pain that women have been feeling for generations has been stuffed down deep inside our beings.

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Beets- Delicious & Vibrant Blood Tonics

March 20, 2021

Beets are amazing nutrient dense food for our whole bodies and perfect for Spring detoxification. These beautifully red (or orange) are so vibrant in color they just ooze with vitality.

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life