Stress & Wellness Packages

Ready For Whole Body Health and Wellness And To Be Calm?

Let's Work Together To Get You There!

Stress and its physical effects are the number one reason clients reach out to me for support. My own experiences with intense stress and anxiety from a young age are what led me onto my lifelong journey to understand whole body health and wellness.

When you struggle with stress, anxiety, overwhelm, or burnout, it can feel like it takes over your world and often you don't know where to turn. Going from stressed out to being calm can seem like an unachievable task. I get it because I have been there myself, and that is why stress management coaching has become my primary focus in the 1:1 work I do. Thankfully, there are SO many simple things you can do to feel calmer and healthier, and plant medicine is such a gift to have in your corner.


The good news is there are so many amazing ways you can support yourself, and the key focus of this process is to help you feel and know you truly can be calm.

3 Ways I Can Support You With Stress:

1. You can check out my various online courses on stress support here.

2. If you want to learn all about supporting whole body health and wellness in regard to stress (including herbs that excel at helping with stress), check out my course The Calming Toolkit here. It's a 9 week course that provides my whole framework for releasing stress. It can be taken as a self study course or you can add on some coaching calls (depending on availability).

3. If you prefer to have a custom plan created for you with more 1:1 support, then my stress management coaching packages may be perfect for you! Read on below.

Be calm?

The process of going from stress to be able to be calm isn't an overnight thing as I'm sure you know. However, it's something that your naturally built with, but it's not something we're taught how to work on. When life is full of constant stressors, the idea of knowing how to be calm can feel utterly impossible.

What I have found is when you work with the medicines the Earth provides and make small changes in your life to support your whole body's health and wellness, there really can be so many more moments to truly be calm.

herbal oil-canva

Stress Management Coaching Packages

If your primary health concern is related to stress and its physical impacts this stress management coaching package is designed to support you on your health journey to help you truly feel more at ease, develop skills you can implement for the rest of your life, and be calm.

Note, I only take on a handful of clients at a time due to the nature of these sessions. Once you become a client however you have full access to my calendar to book sessions for as long as you are a client.

How These Packages Work

Stress packages are sessions where you work directly with me, Heather Plant, with the goal of reducing stress. It's okay if there are other health issues going on for you as often there are and stress is a big part of the cause. So supporting stress often allows for the improvement of other symptoms automatically, but I will also help you support yourself with all aspects of your health, not just stress.

We start with some simple onboarding paperwork that gets emailed to you upon signing up. This lets me get to know a bit more about you while also allowing you to learn a bit more about yourself as well.

Tea letters

What You Get


Private 1:1 Calls

The main part of this package is private 1:1 access to me through your wellness consultation sessions (held on Google Meet). The focus of our calls is to get a clearer picture of what is going on and where you need support the most.

Each package includes a full herbal wellness intake as the initial call which takes about 60-90 minutes and follow up sessions lasting 30 minutes. This allows us to meet roughly once a month.


Custom Herbal Formulas

During each call, I will provide you with some suggestions of support and often I will recommend custom herbal formula(s) to work with. The cost of creating custom formulas during our time together is included, but the cost of any herbs is additional. You can either purchase herbs from me to be shipped to you (for an extra fee and within the US only), or you can put the formulas together yourself or have them filled at a local apothecary.


Voxer Hours

Also included is weekly access to Voxer hours which is a free chat app. Voxer hours are a chance to check in, receive encouragement and accountability, as well as have any questions answered. You have access to Voxer hours for the duration of your package for up to 15 minutes each week during Voxer hours. Plus, you don't have to be anywhere at a scheduled time. I have them set up for you to have a lot of flexibility with how I offer them.

Healing Lab

Healing Lab Access

You will also get access to my custom behind the scenes platform called Healing Lab loaded with extras. Healing Lab walks you through the process step by step and gives you access to all the paperwork needed to start our journey together, access to booking appointments and support, as well as many bonuses such as demo videos, handouts, and resources added on over time.

You will have access to Healing Lab for the duration of the time we work together, whether for 3 or 6 months or longer.

This journey is meant to support you in a gentle way through working through stress. Getting a handle on stress, anxiety, and panic isn't an overnight process, but many benefits can be felt quickly. Instead of aiming to resolve the issues overnight, you will work with me to create life long support for your well being by taking small but very powerful steps each time we meet.

3 Month Package

  • Unique constitution evaluation
  • Initial 60-90 minute herbal wellness consultation
  • Protocol with food, lifestyle, and herbal suggestions
  • Custom herbal formula creation
  • Up to 2 follow up sessions
  • Optional flower essence evaluation
  • 3 month Healing Lab client portal access
  • Weekly Voxer Office Hours
  • Stress reducing tools and tips
  • Handouts
  • Herbal medicine making instructions
  • Cost of any herbs desired & shipping not included

6 Month Package

  • Unique constitution evaluation
  • Initial 60-90 minute herbal wellness consultation
  • Protocol with food, lifestyle, and herbal suggestions
  • Custom herbal formula creation
  • Up to 4 follow up sessions
  • Optional flower essence evaluation
  • 6 month Healing Lab client portal access
  • Weekly Voxer Office Hours
  • Stress reducing tools and tips
  • Handouts
  • Herbal medicine making instructions
  • Monthly intention- affirmation card pull + write up
  • 10% off all market prices of custom herbal products for 6 months
  • Cost of any herbs desired & shipping not included

*Note, due to the time I spend with each client, I only work with a few clients at a time.*

"Plant Allies In Your Corner Makes The World Feel Calmer."

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life