Voxer Wellness Strategy Session

Frustrated and feel like you don't know where to begin to improve your stress and wellness? A wellness strategy session may be perfect for you!

Looking For A Starting Place For Your Health?

Are you struggling with a specific wellness challenge and want support but are not ready to commit to working together 1:1 long-term yet, or just want a general overview of what to do to begin your new journey to feeling better? Book a 60-minute Voxer strategy session to begin your journey and craft a plan to start getting well. 


During our time together we will explore what wellness issues you are struggling with and come up with a plan of action to support yourself going forward in an easily doable way.

This time is great for creating a beginning plan for your journey back to wellness whether you need support specifically around stress or general health symptoms that are surfacing, looking for dietary recommendations, or plants to begin working with.
*Note this is not a complete wellness consultation and you will not receive a custom created formula during this time together. However, these sessions are a nice cheaper alternative to begin your journey and get input on what you can do and where you can begin while receiving support at the same time.

Voxer Wellness Strategy Session

What's Included:

  • 60 minute 1:1 session.
  • Held on Voxer (free chat platform).
  • Personalized action steps for next steps to take for support.
  • Lending a listening ear and caring support.
  • General wellness tools and tips of support.

Only $97!

How This Works

This session is held on Voxer which is a completely free and amazing texting app. Upon booking an appointment you will receive an email with instructions on how to set up Voxer and connect with me.

Then when the time comes for our appointment, we get to communicate back and forth using Voxer by either texting or sending voice messages.

Why meet on Voxer?

Benefit One: 

  • Flexibility- The great thing is you're not committed to being in a specific location during this time and you can have the freedom to message back when you have time during this session which is nice especially if you may have other obligations at the same time. This allows for flexibility as you can select a time to meet even if you have other obligations as you are not committed to meeting face to face. So even with distractions of life (think kids running around, still in your pajamas and messy hair, or while you're at work) we can still meet up.
  • I do still encourage you to try to provide yourself with the space to reflect and put yourself first during this time so you can get the most out of it.

Benefit Two:

  • Great for introverts- not everyone feels comfortable meeting face to face on Zoom or Meet. Being able to chat taps into a side of you that can sometimes allow you to feel freer to share details rather than when someone is looking at you (although I never pass judgment on what you have to say and always try my best to make you feel comfortable). So many enjoy the ease and comfort of sharing without a camera on, especially when first meeting someone.

Benefit Three:

  • Economical & ease of access- seeing we're not meeting directly online I am able to make myself available at times I might not otherwise be available. This also makes booking an appointment with me faster.  I can also pass on the savings to you to make this a more economical option, especially if you are just trying to get started with working with me or just looking to get some quick actions to improve your wellness.

What Can We Accomplish During A Session?

Surprisingly, a lot!

I often like to start by getting a feel for what is going on in your world and where you are looking for support the most. Then I can help provide you with some options of support going forward.

Here's an example:

Someone I met with was struggling with a lot of pain in her abdomen. She saw many doctors and was feeling very lost in the weeds of the medical world and it was heavily increasing her stress and making her symptoms worse.

Through talking I helped her first realize she wasn't alone in the process. This was the biggest part she was struggling with as she felt no one was listening to her or truly caring until we met. Then I suggested a test she should ask her doctor about and I recommended a specialist in a field she never thought about. We also talked about some stress management strategies to help ease the toll this situation was having on her.

By the end, she was so grateful for not just having someone actually listen to her, but actually have a plan in place of what to do next and ways to feel better in the meantime.


Who Are These Sessions Perfect For?

  • Someone who is currently going through some kind of health challenge and doesn't know where to begin
  • Someone who is currently feeling lost in the weeds of modern medicine.
  • Someone looking for a helping hand and external eyes on your situation.
  • You're looking for suggestions to have a plan of action to reduce your stress.
  • You're looking for a plan of action to improve your digestion, improve your diet, reduce weight, etc.
  • You're struggling with female reproductive issues like painful periods, PCOS, and endometriosis and want to get a place to start improving your symptoms.
  • You want to tap into my expertise to have ideas to improve your health in general.

Who Are These Sessions Not For?

  • You don't have acccess to a mobile device or computer.
  • You're not struggling with any kind of health challenges, symptoms, or stress.
  • You want an in depth wellness protocol with continued support from me. Seeing we are meeting only by Voxer and for only an hour, this is not a full wellness intake so you will not leave these sessions with a full in depth protocol of support. However, my goal is to help provide an outside helping hand with whatever you are struggling with to help support you and make you feel more in control over your health as much as I can. If you're looking for a full protocol check out my 3 or 6 month support packages.

"Plant Allies In Your Corner Make The World Feel Calmer."

What Previous Clients Are Saying...

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