1:1 Coaching & Wellness Consultation Offerings

Let's Get You Better Health Naturally

As a woman you are unique. You're not some scrap piece of cardboard meant to fit in a box. No. You're a gift, in all sorts of shapes and experiences. So why does modern medicine try to always cram you into the same box as everyone else?


I've taken all the classes, studied under a plethora of great gifted medicine teachers, spent two decades taking in all I could to learn how to help women, and four decades (totally aging myself now) walking interconnected with nature listening to Her ways of healing.

Gathering flowers

Now I'm packing up what I know and tossing out all the rules.

In herb school were taught to actually listen to clients, and to look beyond the box using all of our senses combined with healing processes as early as time. However, even when it comes to natural medicine the way of working with clients is still a one size fits all approach. The practitioner and client meet once, and then we send you on your way with a big list of tasks as well as a list of supplements and herbs to hunt down and figure out how to take.


Leaving you on your own again, feeling frustrated as if it's your fault when things don't change and no one is by your side to help you along the way. That time has changed. I'm breaking the rules, and meeting you where you are at, as that enigmatic gift you already are.

Ready to get yourself better health naturally?

Let's work together!

60 Minute Voxer Wellness Strategy Session

Struggling with a specific wellness challenge and need a more customized approach but looking for a cheaper alternative? Grab a single 60-minute Voxer strategy session to begin your journey and craft a plan to start getting well.

Mini Water Essence Emotional Support Session

Looking for an easy way to begin improving your emotional health? Water essences are like nature's magic for helping us make it through the emotional and mental tolls of the world. Check out this mini session to get your own custom formula.

3-6 Month Stress & Anxiety Support Packages

Struggling with stress, anxiety, overwhelm, or panic and looking for support? You have options and you're in the right place. Let's take this step by step so you feel empowered again and in control of your health with plant allies on your side.

Let the plants help make your soul feel connected, aligned, and whole again

Love From Past Clients

We all have a story and a journey and it's my job to assist you where you're at and where you want to go on your healing journey.

What is a Wellness Consultation?

A wellness consultation is a health journey where we work together to see what imbalances may be going on in your body and your life and then come up with a plan to begin bringing things back into balance for you so you ultimately improve your life with better health naturally.

During a wellness consultation natural tools and solutions are often recommended and they can vary depending on the person and what they need. Herbs that are known to greatly support whatever is going on are almost always suggested, however, a lot can be done without even working with plant medicine.

Through working together, I aim to make your wellness journey as smooth and as blissful as I can while you take the reins to be in control of your life's journey.

Making tinctures

A wellness consultation is most likely a form of supporting wellness you’ve never experienced because, at the core of the process, you are the center. 

I listen to you and hear you. Something that often surprises my clients the most and it can take you back at first as it’s sadly not something that tends to go hand in hand with wellness. 

We all have blips in our lives when our wellness may not be at its best, and I work by helping you make subtle but powerful shifts to guide you back to whatever wholeness looks like for you.

Ultimately, this is your healing journey and you are in control of your own health.

I solely act as a guide to help assist you and educate you as a means of support on your journey so you can take your health into your own hands.

Once we have knowledge of how to best support our bodies and develop a deeper connection to ourselves, an improved version of health often falls into place as we make the small shifts our bodies need.

My Philosophy on Healing


I view the body as a resilient and intelligent system that is innately self-healing and herbs and various natural tools help by assisting and encouraging your body to return to a healthy state of balance.

As an herbalist and intuitive healer, my primary role is as an educator and partner, encouraging and supporting your goals for improving health and well-being. Every person is physiologically, emotionally, and energetically unique. I consider your unique constitution (you will learn more about that if we work together) and who you naturally are and recommend the most appropriate herbal, dietary, and lifestyle changes specifically for you.

Nutritionally, I work with the principles of ancestral eating aligning with the seasons of the earth and my primary goal is to help you nourish and support your body so that it can heal itself.

As an herbalist, I do not diagnose or treat diseases as I am not a doctor. Rather, I focus on educating and supporting you, not conditions, on how to best enhance your body’s innate healing capacity. My intent is to help you achieve the highest state of health in line with your own goals and the power of your health is always in your own hands..

What Conditions Do I Help?


I don’t treat conditions per se as only modern medicine views the body in terms of what's "wrong" with you. Instead, I focus on helping you learn to bring balance to your body as a whole and provide support with the symptoms you may be experiencing. 

After working with clients and students over the years as well as my own personal health issues, I have a large range of experience with various symptoms and health concerns.

My expertise is working with women who struggle with stress, anxiety, trauma, and overwhelm, as well as female reproductive issues such as endometriosis and PCOS, and also digestive imbalances.

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Journey to wellness website with woman staring up at the moon representing our magical life