Water Essence Consultations

Ready to begin releasing the thoughts, emotions, and worries that clutter your mind? A water essence may be just what you need.

I'm currently booked and not taking new clients for water essence consultations. However, a water essence consultation is included with all package offerings. Click the link below to learn more.

What Are Water Essences?

Water essences are a simple but very powerful form of energy medicine. When making water essences the element of Water is infused with the energy of specific Earth medicine such as plants, stones, crystals, powerful astrological days, and healing waters themselves. The most common form of water essences involves the use of flowers and they are often called flower essences and some forms of flower essences are readily available in some natural health food stores.

In Chinese medicine, energy is known as qi and it's the essence of life. It's what feeds you, fuels you, and gives you life. Sometimes Qi can be trapped or stuck especially due to trauma and stress. This can make emotions feel stuck and stagnant as well. Sometimes we develop patterns out of convenience rather than living in a way that truly fuels us and we can feel stuck and unsure of what to do or can feel fear, worry, despair, or gloom.

They essentially help shift emotions in a more comfortable direction for you while also allowing your mind to gently process the transitions of life in a softer way than the harshness the outside world often can toss at you. They are great to work with during times of life transitions, to shift old patterns, or whenever things just feel intense. I liken it to opening a window to let the bad air out.

You might be familiar with the term smudging, or smoke cleansing, where you remove negative energy that might surround your external body through burning herbs. Water essences I believe do something similar but by clearing the internal body of deeper energy, habits, and patterns that don't serve you.

Water essences solely contain the energy of a plant (or whatever is being used) so they don't contain any physical medicinal properties and therefore they can be used by anyone, no matter what medications they may be on or health issues they may have. This makes them amazing medicine for those who may also be on potent pharmaceuticals that may limit what they can take internally as far as herbal medicine.

As an herbalist and intuitive healer I work with many forms of medicine from the Earth but have found nothing helps shift greater change in the mind and body than the simple medicine of energy.

To learn more about water essences you can read a blog post below:


Common Things Water Essences Can Help Support

  • Feeling fear, panic, and excess worries
  • Lacking courage and internal strength to get through something or life in general
  • Feeling sadness, gloom, and despair
  • Releasing anger
  • Grief and emotional pain in the heart
  • Excess mind chatter, distractibility, lack of focus
  • Lack of drive to do something
  • Needing to release stuck emotions, pain (of all kinds) and traumas
  • Helping to shift your perception to see a situation from a different broader perspective
  • Clearing clutter in the mind and body

What Does a Water Essence Consultation Entail?

A water essence consultation lasts up to 30 minutes and is done virtually during video conferencing or phone. You will receive an intake form to fill out before our session together. During the session, we will briefly go over what emotional or mental issues you are currently struggling with that you would like support on. Maybe you have a big project coming up and need help with focusing, or maybe you have been struggling with an issue for a while like fear or an unfavorable emotional state for example. Water essences are wonderful formulas to help shift emotions while also help the body process things in a gentle manner.

After our session, a custom blended essence formula will be crafted for you that can either be picked up (if you live locally) or mailed to you (within the US).

Each session includes:

  • 20-30 minute consultation (via Google Meet)
  • (1) custom blended .5 oz essence bottle to be used daily that will last for roughly 3-4 weeks.
  • Free shipping (within the US)

*Please note if you live outside the US I can create a written formula for you but I cannot ship it to you. I can however recommend places to buy flower essences and show you how to make your formula yourself.

gray rock on body of water during sunset

Water essences help open an internal window in the mind to let the bad air out.

What Happens After You Finish Your Essence?

Once your formula is finished if you choose you can purchase another session to support any new patterns you want to address, or you can purchase a refill if you want to further your current support. Often times we have long held patterns that need support and those patterns can take some time to work their way out.

Humans are like onions with many layers within them which is what makes us such amazing beings. As you work on supporting yourself as some layers are shed, some deeper layers can also need support. Water essences help allow for the shedding to occur in a way that feels less daunting and more safe and comfortable to do so. This is why a a new formula each time you finish one up or as the seasons change can be very effective.

Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.



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