Aligning with the energy of spring

It’s full on spring time where I live in the northeastern U.S. Our first flowers, Snowdrops and Crocus, have come and gone, and two of the true spring healers have come up to grace us with their presence… Nettles and Dandelion.

Dandelion flower in spring

After being indoors for a lot of the winter the warmer weather and sun on our faces feels like a long exhale to our minds, bodies, and spirits. The time has come where life becomes full of color again. The trees are opening and giving us their full show of blossoms with blooms of pinks, purples, and white for weeks on end. The birds are fluttering around with their new mates, forming larger nests, and providing sustenance for their new babies.

All arounds us is the energy of newness. New beginnings, new life, new vibrancy. It’s a time to put action into the dreams we contemplated during our winter rest.

Hyacinth flowers in spring

With all this new energy and desire moving forward we can often get carried away however and feel rushed, rather than move into this beautiful energy with some ease. There is no finish line we need to race to. The journey of life is as much if not more meaningful then where we want to go.

There is no finish line we need to race to. The journey of life is as much if not more meaningful then where we want to go.

This year especially after dealing with quarantines and viral fear for so long I noticed many have this young toddler energy bouncing around ready to burst forth with all this vitality bubbling up. Lots of planning to see long lost loved ones, travel to long forgotten places, and see the world again living fully in all it’s beauty. After the unprecedented year we have been through we all deserve to do and see the world we missed so much.

This energy of doing and moving very fast is summer time energy though, when life is in full bloom. spring is about a slow transition as we just start to move forward. When we follow the seasons of nature around us it helps us be more aligned in our bodies and grounded, rather than busy in our heads which can lead to panic and anxiety. So with the energy of spring being movement forward we are all on track, but take care not to over do it and rush forward too much too fast.

Spring is like a plant first peaking it’s head through the Earth. It’s like waking up on a bright sunny day with a big yawn and stretch after Winter’s long slumber.

Spring is like a plant first peaking it’s head through the Earth. It’s like waking up on a bright sunny day with a big yawn and stretch after Winter’s slumber. Take some time to explore your surroundings and be gentle with yourself. It’s not a rush to get anywhere. You are already where you need to be, so try to enjoy the ride while you’re on it, and try to make the ride the kind of ride you want it to be. It doesn’t have to be a rollercoaster, or bumper cars. I prefer paddle boats myself. 😉

Ways to support your body in spring:

  • Observe the sun and take in the sun’s energy.

Wake up a little earlier if you can and observe the sun rise. Even if the sun has already risen when you awake, just take a few moments to notice where the sun rises each day as it shifts throughout the seasons. In the spring it rises directly in the east and slowly transitions away a little each day. While you’re noticing the sun also feel the warmth on your skin and let that warmth into your body. Try to feel it radiate through your skin and into your belly and heart. Many of us have felt so many immense emotions over the past year and especially during winter as sadness and panic can come up even more. The sun has an amazing ability to warm our spirits and melt away those undesirable emotions. The more you practice this simple technique of letting the sun in the easier it can melt away your tension over time.

  • Do a little spring cleaning

We need to make space in our lives in order to bring in some new energy. Take a few moments to look at where you may have clutter in your life. This can be physical clutter with objects you can acknowledge you may no longer need and can be donated. It also pertains to mental clutter as well. What thoughts are preoccupying your mind right now? Is there a way you can let a little bit of it go to make space for something better? Yes, I understand that can be easier said than done, but it can be done. Writing down your thoughts is a great way to get things out of the mind and onto paper freeing up a little space. Breathwork is another way by breathing space into the mind and body. So see if there is anything you can find space in your life to bring in what you deeply want that will make you truly happy.

  • Take in some root medicine

Spring is a great time to consume roots. For most of the winter we often consume richer, heavier, and sweeter foods like stews, meats, breads, and squashes. The energy of spring is a lot lighter and a great time to support the liver and kidneys with a gentle cleansing lightening their load. Roots like Dandelion and Burdock are amazing for this task and do so in a very deeply nourishing and gentle way to the body. Spring is also the time of year (in addition to Fall), when we gather medicinal roots before the energy is set out to the leaves and flowers of the plants. So try adding a little Dandelion root (or leaf) and/or Burdock root to your daily tea. Burdock root is actually becoming more popular and can be found in some grocery stores now if you don’t have access to it where you live. Working with a tincture of both is also an amazing alternative and they are both very common tinctures to find.

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I hope you have an amazing spring season and don’t forget to take it a little slow and show yourself some love by giving yourself some ease with life.

Many spring plant blessings!

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