Magical Musings

How Do You Work With Water Essences?

April 21, 2022

In last weeks blog post I shared with you about the benefits of water essences and how amazing they are at supporting […]

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Water Essences; Plant Medicine to Help Emotions of Life Feel More Bearable

April 7, 2022

Today, I want to share with you my favorite tool for helping make life feel more bearable while also clearing mental and […]

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Skullcap; An Herb For a Quieter Mind

March 11, 2022

There are certain plants that really help when it comes to reducing the impact of stress on the body from both a […]

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My Top Herb For Supporting Stress When You Need Some Motherly Love: Motherwort

March 3, 2022

This post is all about one of my top ten plants I couldn’t live without, especially during these stressful times. If you’ve […]

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The Power of the Trees

February 23, 2022

February is always a bittersweet time of year for me as I’m excited for the warmer weather and vacation days away to relax in the sun, but I no longer feel rushed for that to happen as I still want to finish up moments of retreating away and resting before the darkness of winter fully retreats away. It’s an in between time, not fully winter or spring, and lots of emotions can get stirred up during those times.

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How to Grow Garlic

November 8, 2021

Garlic is the lazy plant, for this lazy farmer. It’s so easy to grow you will wonder why you haven’t been growing it all along.

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